Gitcoin Passport提供論壇防Sybil攻擊與安全性

Gitcoin Passport發表宣告,稱正在為Discourse論壇提供安全性,以防止Sybil攻擊和機器人侵入。新的Discourse外掛可以保持線上社群的完整性和可信度。論壇管理員可以根據積累的Passport分數來設定不同的信任級別,以允許不同的訪問許可權。透過這種方式,Discourse論壇可以更好地防範惡意行為和維護社群的健康環境。


  • Gitcoin Passport – Gitcoin Passport is a security feature for Discourse forums that helps protect against Sybil attacks and bots, ensuring the integrity and credibility of online communities.
  • Sybil attack – A Sybil attack is an attack where a malicious actor creates multiple fake identities (Sybils) to gain control over a network, subvert its processes, and undermine its trustworthiness.
  • Discourse – Discourse is an open-source platform for building online communities. It is widely used for discussions, Q&A, and collaboration.
  • Passport scores – Passport scores are used by forum administrators to set trust levels, determining access to forum features. The score helps identify users who are trustworthy and actively contribute to the community.


Gitcoin Passport宣佈為Discourse論壇提供安全性,可防止Sybil攻擊和機器人,以維護線上社群的完整性和可信度。論壇管理員可使用Passport分數來設定信任級別,以控制對論壇功能的訪問。


gitcoin passport:從1分做到20分,不到3u,全網最節儉版本,再也不用送外賣了


@lionsol4603: civic那個驗證,可不敢一人多號,後面實錘女巫了

@user-zf9vg4lg3g: 講解清晰,完整

@onlytraditionalchinesepatt5621: 教主威武

@Stella-ef4oi: 做完了,才12多分

@user-vu2de7ko2c: 我是新手還得慢慢學

@nighteennighteen9324: 那個投票的不能建立了,說是提案達到了上限

@fuyuchen8625: 太牛啦

Gitcoin Passport提供論壇防Sybil攻擊與安全性

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