南韓認定LUNA不屬證券,Do Kwon要求美SEC撤銷指控。

Terraform Labs CEO申請免除SEC指控

Terraform Labs聯合創始人兼CEO Do Kwon已申請免除美國聯邦證券交易委員會(SEC)對其提出的指控。在4月21日星期五提交的宣告中,Kwon表示SEC的指控無效,反對該機構認為包括MIR、LUNA和UST在內的代幣是證券的立場。

此外,Kwon的律師指出,該機構缺乏對Kwon和Terraform Labs提出指控的適當管轄權,因為 Terra的代幣和專案是“面向全球”的,並未特別針對美國投資者。

韓國地方法院最近驅逐 Terraform Labs聯合創始人Hyun-seong Shin的安全違規指控,認定 LUNA在韓國資本市場法下為非證券。該裁決令Kwon的申請只在與LUNA相關的內容上正確。

然而,在首爾南部地方法院檢方起訴涉及Terra穩定幣生態系統崩潰的10人後舉行的新聞釋出會上,檢察官據稱確認Signum為Kwon轉移超過10,000比特幣(BTC)從 Terra 平臺和 Luna基金會守衛到冷錢包的瑞士銀行賬戶,然後轉換為法定貨幣的地方。

首爾南部地方法院金融證券犯罪聯合調查小組負責人Dan Seong-han表示,他們正在監控 Luna基金會守衛擁有的比特幣,轉移金額約為1億美元(相當於1300億韓元),與SEC的指控相符。




Kwon: Do Kwon is the co-founder and CEO of Terraform Labs, a blockchain platform.

SEC: The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) is a US regulatory agency responsible for enforcing federal securities laws.

Tokens: A token is a unit of value issued by a blockchain platform. It can represent ownership, access rights or represent a utility function within a blockchain ecosystem.

Jurisdiction: Jurisdiction refers to the authority of a court or other entity to hear and decide legal cases. Here, Kwon argues that the SEC lacked jurisdiction to bring charges against him and Terraform Labs because their tokens and projects were aimed at the world and did not specifically target US investors.

Signum: Signum refers to a Swiss bank account linked to Kwon.

BTC: BTC is the ticker symbol for Bitcoin, the first and largest cryptocurrency by market capitalization.

Cold wallet: A cold wallet is a method of storing cryptocurrency keys or access codes offline, reducing the risk of theft or hacking.

Fiat: Fiat refers to government-issued currency like the US dollar or Euro, which are not backed by a physical commodity like gold or silver.

Prosecutors: Prosecutors are lawyers representing the government or other entities in criminal cases.


Do Kwon, Terraform Labs的聯合創始人兼CEO,已經提交了一份擱置證券交易委員會(SEC)指控的請求書,聲稱SEC的指控無效,並且該機構沒有管轄權對他和Terraform Labs提出指控,因為他們的代幣和專案面向全球,並沒有特別針對美國投資者。然而,韓國檢方據報已將Signum標識為Kwon轉移了超過10,000 BTC的瑞士銀行帳戶,他從Terra平臺和Luna基金會護衛轉移到一個冷錢包,然後轉換為平凡貨幣。檢察官計算出轉移的金額約為1億美元,與SEC的投訴相符。綜合來看,此訊息對區塊鏈市場並無明顯影響,可視為持平。



LUNA爆煲事件|Terra創辦人Do Kwon權道亨被捕|挾1萬粒比特幣逃亡10個月 持假護照欲飛杜拜終落網|加密貨幣|Catman區塊鏈分析師|CryptoPARD加密學院(廣東話、中文字幕)


CryptoPARD 加密學院: 😼

小肥ah榮: Catman 啲片真係好正.好鍾意佢把聲!

弗雷: catman 好野!


南韓認定LUNA不屬證券,Do Kwon要求美SEC撤銷指控。

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