
One Satoshi(One Satoshi),一家位於香港的OTC平臺,宣佈將成立「香港虛擬資產行業協會」,旨在幫助業界制定多項反洗錢(AML)和了解客戶(KYC)準則,以統一和提升行業標準和聲譽,維護行業的共同利益。該協會希望匯集行業力量和經驗,向政府提供精準的反詐騙和提升治安等措施建議,營造良好的商業環境,避免香港成為詐騙之都或洗黑錢天堂。


Cryptocurrency Terms

Term Explanation
OTC Over-the-counter. Refers to the decentralized market where trading is done directly between two parties without the need for a centralized exchange.
Virtual Assets Digital or virtual representations of value that can be digitally traded or transferred and are commonly used as a medium of exchange or store of value.
Anti-Money Laundering (AML) Refers to a set of regulations, laws, and procedures designed to prevent criminals from disguising illegally obtained funds as legitimate income. AML measures aim to detect and deter money laundering activities.
Know Your Customer (KYC) A regulatory requirement for businesses to verify the identity of their customers. It involves collecting and verifying customer information to ensure compliance with anti-money laundering regulations.
Industry Association An organization formed by companies or individuals in a specific industry to promote common interests, establish industry standards, and advocate for industry-related issues.
Fraud Intentional deception or misrepresentation for personal gain. In the context of the article, it refers to fraudulent activities related to cryptocurrencies.
Safeguarding The act of protecting or ensuring the safety and security of assets or individuals. It involves implementing measures to prevent unauthorized access, theft, or misuse.
Money Laundering The process of making illegally obtained money appear legal by passing it through a complex sequence of banking transfers or commercial transactions, often involving multiple countries.


根據這篇新聞,香港本地OTC公司One Satoshi宣佈將建立香港虛擬資產行業協會,並制定多項反洗錢和了解客戶準則。該協會的目標是統一和提升行業標準和聲譽,維護行業的共同利益。它希望集合行業力量和經驗,向政府提出精準的反欺詐和提升治安的建議,以創造良好的商業環境,避免香港成為詐騙之都或洗黑錢天堂。



My experience of making 300,000 USD in the blockchain!!


@jingcyril3281: 藉由在自身的傷口上撒鹽

@abs1238: 謝謝分享,現在網紅這個時代,很少會有人把虧損的故事拿出說

@Saintjey1113: 很棒的分享!

@meoweric8045: 雖然聽完覺得很可惜 不過我覺得nic講得很好 人要一直成長 很勵志 感謝分享 希望能有機會聽到nic講區塊鏈的產業介紹

@kuanshengho7702: 其實你當時的決定是對的

@yu0412tw: 房子增值很有感,五年前跟建商買900萬是當時市場行情高點,現在回頭看根本便宜到炸

@jslin3714: 感謝尼克分享價值一千萬的寶貴經驗


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