幣安銷燬2億BinancePeg BUSD

9月17日訊息,數字貨幣交易所幣安銷燬了2億個BinancePeg BUSD,最近一次銷燬是今年6月30日;此外,幣安還銷燬了805萬個BinancePeg TUSD。


BinancePeg—BUSD : BinancePeg—BUSD is a cryptocurrency known as a stablecoin, pegged to the value of the U.S. dollar. It is issued by Binance, one of the largest cryptocurrency exchanges in the world. Stablecoins aim to provide stability in a volatile cryptocurrency market by maintaining a 1:1 ratio with a fiat currency, in this case, the U.S. dollar.

BinancePeg—TUSD : BinancePeg—TUSD is another stablecoin pegged to the value of the U.S. dollar. TUSD stands for TrueUSD, and it is a stablecoin issued by TrustToken, a blockchain-based platform. Similar to BinancePeg—BUSD, BinancePeg—TUSD aims to provide stability in the cryptocurrency market by maintaining a 1:1 ratio with the U.S. dollar.

Stablecoin : A stablecoin is a type of cryptocurrency designed to minimize price volatility by pegging its value to a stable asset or a basket of assets. Stablecoins can be pegged to fiat currencies, commodities, or other cryptocurrencies. By maintaining a stable value, stablecoins provide a more reliable medium of exchange and store of value compared to volatile cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin or Ethereum.

Cryptocurrency : Cryptocurrency refers to digital or virtual currencies that use cryptography for security and operate on a decentralized network, typically a blockchain. Cryptocurrencies are not issued or regulated by a central authority, such as a government or a bank. Examples of cryptocurrencies include Bitcoin, Ethereum, and BinancePeg—BUSD and BinancePeg—TUSD mentioned in the news article.

Blockchain : A blockchain is a distributed ledger technology used to record and verify transactions across multiple computers or nodes. It consists of a chain of blocks, with each block containing a list of transactions. Blockchains are known for their transparency, immutability, and decentralized nature, making them suitable for applications beyond cryptocurrencies, such as supply chain management and voting systems.







@NFTChen: 可以開啟字幕看,會更清楚

@user-hs4mw4ow5g: NFT的幾種重要機制

@user-hb1hn6kv8z: 國內有一個華英會旗下的reva,nft質押,跟您說的是一回事嗎?好像挺賺錢的

@Devin-nt1gy: 能不能建個電報群啊,方便交流,

幣安銷燬2億BinancePeg BUSD

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