“Uniswap V3投票獲透過!5周內將登陸Avalanche DEX,擄獲市場先機”

Uniswap V3 has passed a proposal vote to deploy on Avalanche, with a approval rate of 95.08%. The proposal considers the commercial protection of the Uniswap V3 core code, which will expire on April 1, 2023, granting legal rights for projects to copy and fork the code for commercial purposes. To secure its market share in the Avalanche DEX market and compete with DEX Trader Joe on Avalanche, Uniswap V3 decides to deploy on Avalanche in advance of the potential emergence of many imitators, taking an offensive move to establish its foothold. The deployment process is expected to take five weeks.


根據這篇新聞,Uniswap V3已經獲得了在Avalanche上部署的批准,透過了95.08%的鏈上投票。提案考慮到Uniswap V3的核心程式碼版權保護將在2023年4月1日到期,這可能會導致各種專案複製和分叉該程式碼以進行商業用途。為了預防模仿者,並與Avalanche的Dex Trader Joe競爭,Uniswap V3計劃在五週內在Avalanche上部署。從這份新聞可以看出,Uniswap V3是有意試圖擴大其市場佔有率,並抗擊競爭對手的行動,所以新聞對區塊鏈市場的訊息是偏多的。


「第312期」Uniswap V3新版本上限體驗,兌換swap功能演示,LP Token流動性提供和設定,提高資金利用率,手續費多級配置,如何遷移V2版本教程


Uniswap V3投票獲透過!5周內將登陸Avalanche DEX,擄獲市場先機

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