
Vitalik Buterin, the co-founder of Ethereum, stressed the importance of self-custody in a recent social media post. According to Buterin, social recovery and multi-signature wallets are effective methods to achieve this goal. He personally uses a multi-signature wallet to store most of his funds, and so does the Ethereum Foundation. Buterin suggested using social recovery to store a small portion of hot money in personal or organizational wallets, as well as multi-signature wallets for savings. Self-custody is crucial in the world of cryptocurrency, and using multiple security measures can help ensure the safety of the funds.


本新聞對區塊鏈市場是偏多的訊息。Vitalik Buterin是以太坊的聯合創始人,他的建議被認為是一種安全措施,可以讓個人和組織在區塊鏈交易中更加安全。而且,以太坊基金會本身也是如此行動。因此,對於使用區塊鏈的人來說,這項建議應該會被視為一個積極因素,因為更安全的儲存和交易方式可以吸引更多的人和組織參與區塊鏈交易。


【區塊鏈V神駕到】Vitalik Buterin:分散風險不瀟灑投資,在任何時代都適用|小路來電 EP3


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