
Starknet 公佈 2023 年發展路線圖

2023 年,Starknet 的主要重點將放在增強使用者體驗 (UX) 上,並在之後的 2024 年著重於去中心化和定義網路形態。

2023 年,Starknet 將專注於提高使用效率、網路吞吐量和延遲、交易成本以及交易速度等問題。該計劃如下:

  1. 提高使用效率
  2. 增強網路吞吐量和延遲
  3. 降低交易成本
  4. 加快交易速度

2023 年也是 Starknet 開始「Regenesis」階段的年份,它將把 Cairo 0 智慧合約升級為 Cairo 1.0 版本,而不需要網路重新啟動或中斷。

Starknet 路線圖的最後一個階段包括多個重要里程碑,其中之一是「Regenesis」。從那時起,任何未來的網路變化都將由社群透過去中心化自治組織 (DAO) 治理來決定。

值得注意的是,當 2024 年成為網路去中心化之年時,許多人隱晦地預測,這可能是當 Layer-2 推出 STRK 代幣作為專案治理的時刻。這是值得注意的,因為 2024 年將是分享專案的網路去中心化之年。Starknet 在去年 11 月首次宣佈實施 STRK 並將其部署到 Ethereum 主網,這一訊息確立了與此代幣相關的代幣經濟學。

此概念類似於 Layer-2 zkSync Era 專案,將於 2024 年同樣宣佈將專注於網路去中心化。


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  • Starknet: a Layer-2 scalability solution for Ethereum, allowing for cheap and fast transactions on the blockchain.
  • User experience (UX): the overall satisfaction and usability a user experiences from using a product or service.
  • Network efficiency: how well a blockchain network is able to handle and process transactions quickly and with low fees.
  • Regenesis: a process for upgrading smart contracts without disrupting network activity.
  • Smart contracts: self-executing contracts with the terms of an agreement between buyer and seller directly written into lines of code.
  • Decentralized autonomous organization (DAO): a digital organization that operates through rules encoded as computer programs called smart contracts.
  • STRK token: the native token of the Starknet network, used for staking, governance and transaction fees.
  • zkSync: a Layer-2 scaling solution based on Zero-Knowledge proofs that allows for faster and cheaper transactions on Ethereum.
  • Blockchain: a decentralized digital ledger which stores data in blocks that are linked together to form a chain.
  • Scalability: the ability of a blockchain network to handle a large amount of transactions or users simultaneously.
  • Layer-2: a solution built on top of an existing blockchain network (like Ethereum) to improve its scalability and efficiency.
  • Transaction fees: the fees charged for each transaction on a blockchain network, which are used to incentivize miners or validators for processing and verifying transactions.





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Mr Ma: 講的很好很及時

龍貓: 已經快照了嗎?

FattiePaw Pet Feeder: 來不急了?已經快照了嗎?



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