英國招聘六名加密調查員 加強對加密領域犯罪調查






英國招聘六名加密調查員 加強對加密領域犯罪調查



  1. 加密貨幣(Cryptocurrency):一種使用加密技術來保護交易並控制新資產生成的數字貨幣。
  2. 虛擬資產(Virtual Asset):指非物理實體的資產,如加密貨幣、虛擬貨幣、數字代幣等。
  3. 不良行為者(Bad Actors):指從事欺詐、犯罪或不法行為的人或組織。
  4. 欺騙(Fraud):以欺詐手段騙取、偽造或操縱財產、資訊等的行為。
  5. 投資者(Investor):指為了獲取回報而投資資金的個人或機構。
  6. 調查(Investigation):對犯罪、嫌疑案件等事物進行詳細、系統的研究和分析的過程。
  7. 區塊鏈(Blockchain):一種分散式資料庫技術,用於記錄和驗證交易,使用加密技術確保資料的安全性和完整性。
  8. 取證(Forensics):用科學和調查技術來收集、儲存和分析可能在法律訴訟、犯罪調查等程式中用作證據的資料和物品。






How does a blockchain work - Simply Explained


@walterjones7212: Before I retired 3years ago I challenged myself to put away 50% of my monthly income into stocks which is quite easy since I lived frugal without debt.I work as an account executive,and I make over $200,800.$100,000 goes into dividends and the other $100,000 goes to my living expenses, I am seeing improvements in my portfolio, dividends look certain,but I have to attribute this to only guidance of a licensed wealth strategist who allocates funds to a plenitude of assets, I have to stay discipline and remember that I am in this for a long term,recently got my first property and looking forward to get another soon.good luck everyone and thanks for the wonderful video

@CharlesjHarris770: Not all bears market operates in the same way. So many are led to believe that BTC has to operate perfectly on a four year cycle that any mention of the words "bear" seem to automatically mean falling prices and an accumulation phase that lasts 2-3 years. As we have showed, it is more complicated than a simple four year cycle that can be repeated every four years from now until all the supply has been released. There are much more complications than some would have you believe. In this video we just stick to the data, not appealing to the emotions of those who choose to ignore it. Let the market do its thing and have a long time horizon. I buy and just trade long term more than ever, I have made over 16` btc from day trading with Craig Reeder Crypto in few weeks this is one of the best medium to backup your assets incase it goes bearish. Technical analysis is my second language

@pummyy: If you cannot explain something simple enough for everyone to understand, then you have not understood it well enough. Great video.

@atwash1017: You do an amazing job explaining things! I’ve fallen into a hole with four videos because it’s so easily understood. Awesome job!

@thelastexpress4270: Dude you've explained this so well! I've search many sources before and couldn't grasp the concept. You used visual guides excellently as well! I only understand now thanks to you!

@carl___________: Great video, thank you for breaking down this complex concept into a simple and understandable explanation. May God bless you man

@PaoloFerrerChannel: Wow! I've been researching about this for a time and this video is the clearest explanation I've come across. Thanks so much for making this. I'll definitely check out your other stuff.

英國招聘六名加密調查員 加強對加密領域犯罪調查

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