

加密貨幣市場本週開始陷入波動,主要加密貨幣比特幣下滑到了關鍵的$30,000美元支撐水平以下。 資本管理公司BitBull Capital的CEO Joe DiPasquale表示,市場預計FOMC本週進行25個基點的加息,但隨著聯邦儲備委員會發布的評論,可能會看到價格波動。他認為在FOMC後,市場領袖可能會在未來幾天內測試25,000美元。此外,其它加密貨幣如Solana和Avalanche也出現下滑。

CoinDesk Consensus 2023簡析

Consensus在奧斯汀舉行,吸引了建築師和投資者,創下了參加紀錄。CoinDesk的編輯團隊在會議結束後聚集在Twitter上,以評估Consensus 2023的概況並在重要問題上分享他們的看法,並概括了以下幾點:


Mastercard推出跨境轉賬的加密認證服務。此外,Trust Machines的CEO Muneeb Ali在Consensus 2023提到,加密貨幣市場的應用顯示出爆炸性的增長,同時加密貨幣市場的價格波動也給建設者提供了空間。


加密貨幣市場的未來不定,因此投資者無法準確預測資產價格的波動,而像Dragonfly's Haseeb Qureshi這樣的風險投資家則在Consensus 2023上強調了加密貨幣市場需要非零利率的貨幣政策,以及重啟加密貨幣市場的架構,並警告Ponzi騙局總是會破裂。


  • Bitcoin: the first and most well-known cryptocurrency that operates on a decentralized network.
  • Resistance level: a price point that a cryptocurrency struggles to surpass when it continues to decline.
  • FOMC meeting: Federal Open Market Committee meeting, where the committee discusses monetary policy and makes decisions about interest rates.
  • Solana: a decentralized, open-source platform for building blockchain applications.
  • Avalanche: a decentralized platform for launching highly customizable blockchain applications.
  • Regulatory outlook: the implications of government regulations on the development and growth of the cryptocurrency market.
  • Mastercard: a global financial services corporation that offers credit, debit, and prepaid card transactions.
  • Verification standards: a set of requirements that ensure the legitimacy and security of cross-border transfers.
  • Trust Machines: a blockchain and digital asset management solution provider.
  • DeFi market: decentralized finance market, where financial transactions occur through blockchain technology instead of traditional financial institutions.
  • Interest rate policies: a set of monetary policies used by central banks to manage the economy by affecting borrowing, spending, and investment.


CoinDesk's Consensus 2023 festival has just concluded with record attendance that exceeded expectations. Despite Bitcoin remaining below the key resistance level of $30,000, market experts predict that it may test $25,000 in the near future after the FOMC meeting. While some major cryptocurrencies like Solana and Avalanche remained flat, the general sentiment at Consensus 2023 was one of high optimism about the crypto market, even amid growing concerns over regulatory outlook. The cryptocurrency industry also saw some positive news at the festival, as Mastercard launched its new verification standards for cross-border transfers, and Trust Machines' CEO highlighted the "explosive growth" of Bitcoin use cases. However, financial experts also emphasized the need for non-zero interest rate policies as DeFi market structures undergo a reboot. Overall, the news seems to lean towards a positive outlook on the blockchain market, and as such, this article would be best accompanied by the "long" image.


共識?究竟什麼才是區塊鏈講的共識?Consensus? What is the consensus of blockchain?



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