SSV Network推出合作伙伴主網,聚焦分散式驗證器技術,提供去中心化質押服務
SSV Network今天宣佈推出一個專注於分散式驗證器技術的合作伙伴主網,旨在為使用者提供去中心化的質押服務。該主網已經與多個合作伙伴進行了整合,包括Stader、Ankr、Stakestar、01node、Metapool、StakeTogether、XHash、Chainup、Coindelta和Claystack,他們將整合其質押DApp與SSV進行合作。SSV主網的部署將分為多個階段進行,當前階段使用者只能透過合作伙伴的質押應用程式進行質押。而到第四季度,當網路開始進入最後的無許可啟動階段,使用者將能夠直接與SSV網路進行質押併成為節點運營商。
1. SSV Network: SSV Network is a decentralized platform that focuses on validator technology and provides decentralized staking services.
2. 分散式驗證器技術 (Decentralized Validator Technology): This refers to the technology that allows multiple nodes to participate in the validation process and reach consensus on the blockchain. It ensures the security and integrity of the network by decentralizing the validation process.
3. 去中心化的質押服務 (Decentralized Staking Services): These services allow users to stake their cryptocurrency tokens and participate in the network's consensus mechanism. Through this process, users contribute to the network's security and can earn rewards for their participation.
4. 質押DApp (Staking DApp): This refers to the decentralized application (DApp) that allows users to stake their tokens in exchange for rewards. It is integrated with the SSV Network and provides a user interface for staking activities.
5. 主網部署 (Mainnet Deployment): This refers to the process of launching the main network of a blockchain platform. It involves deploying the network's software and infrastructure to allow users to connect and interact with the blockchain.
6. 階段 (Phase): In the context of the article, it refers to the different stages of deployment for the SSV Network. Each phase may introduce new features or functionalities to the network.
7. 透過合作伙伴質押應用程式 (Staking Application through Partners): This means that during the current phase, users can only stake their tokens using the staking application developed by SSV Network's partners. It implies that SSV has collaborated with other applications to provide staking services.
8. 節點運營商 (Node Operator): This refers to users or entities that operate validator nodes on the SSV Network. As node operators, they perform the validation and consensus tasks and help maintain the network's integrity.
SSV Network推出的合作伙伴主網專注於分散式驗證器技術,並提供去中心化的質押服務。目前已有十多個合作伙伴將其質押DApp與SSV整合。從目前的部署狀況來看,使用者只能透過合作伙伴的質押應用程式進行質押。然而在第四季度,使用者將能夠直接與SSV網路進行質押並成為節點運營商。根據這篇新聞來看,SSV主網的推出以及與多個合作伙伴整合,顯示出了對區塊鏈市場的樂觀態度,因此可以認為這是一則偏多的訊息。
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