
《未來世界總動員》是一部獲獎無數的美國喜劇動畫片,最新一集將加密貨幣納入劇情。該集將於8月7日在Hulu上播出,故事圍繞著一位教授從Robot Mafia借錢投資比特幣(BTC)的故事。故事背景設定在3023年,比特幣仍然主宰著市場,但價格卻不穩定。為了尋找更多賺錢的方式,人們開始採集鉈,一種用於開採加密貨幣的有毒金屬,然後將其出售給礦工。

劇集中還諷刺了比特幣開採過程中對能源消耗的擔憂,並提到了一個名為「Doge City」的加密國家,以熱門的狗狗幣(DOGE)命名。這表明這部劇集將以幽默的方式探討當下的加密貨幣熱潮。




  • 比特幣 (Bitcoin):一種全球流通的加密貨幣,由中本聰於2009年發明,基於區塊鏈技術,被認為是第一個成功的加密貨幣。
  • 狗狗幣 (Dogecoin):一種基於比特幣的加密貨幣,於2013年12月創立,以狗狗為標誌,被認為是一種戲謔和社交媒體上流行的加密貨幣。
  • 教授 (Professor):Futurama劇中主要角色之一,是一位瘋狂的發明家和宇宙學家,常常帶領團隊進行各種冒險和探索。
  • Robot Mafia:Futurama劇中的反派角色,由一組犯罪機器人組成,經常向其他角色敲詐勒索。
  • 開採 (Mining):在加密貨幣領域指的是透過解決數學問題來驗證交易和新增新區塊到區塊鏈中的過程。
  • 能源問題 (Energy Issue):指在比特幣開採過程中,需要大量電力和能源來解決數學問題,這可能對能源供應和環境造成壓力。
  • 加密國家 (Crypto Nation):在Futurama劇中引入的虛構國家,以狗狗幣為貨幣,暗示加密貨幣在未來社會中可能佔有重要地位。
  • Doge City:Futurama劇中引入的以狗狗幣命名的虛構城市,可能是加密國家中的一個主要城市。
  • Hulu:一個美國的線上影片流媒體服務平臺,提供各種節目和電影供使用者線上觀看。


根據這篇新聞報道,美國喜劇動畫片Futurama在劇情中將比特幣納入故事情節,並且設定在未來的3023年,人們仍然在開採比特幣,但比特幣的價格不穩定。同時還提到了比特幣開採過程中的能源問題,以及引入了以狗狗幣命名的加密國家"Doge City"。從這個新聞來看,對於區塊鏈市場來說,它對於比特幣和加密貨幣的存在以及未來的發展趨勢持有一個偏多的態度。



The Future is Now - Futurama Dubai (Teaser 1)


@helendejnak4421: I'll definitely stay tuned for the whole series, because reading about blockchain technology as such is one thing, but watching real people speaking about real projects from our everyday life can simply blow one's mind with the realization of the huge potential that blockchain has.

@tomaslambert9995: I have been following the blockchain for a long time and I am pleased to know that every year it is gaining popularity more and people understand that this is the future. I hope this will continue.

@markstrong2780: The more I learn about the blockchain I understand what the future is. And the more people learn about it, the faster this future will come. And I hope such summits contribute to this.

@chebin7410: Hello.Technology

@Kingcrimson699: It'll be interesting to see and listen to people who are changing the world now with the help of innovative technologies. And there is nothing surprising in that they meet resistance, because the old always resists the new, trying to maintain their positions.

@tristenquincey1319: Hello from me, I really liked your video.There is a huge future for blockchain and I hope it will develop at a huge pace .This is a very interesting event that could come up with .To this event even more people will be added, I'm sure .

@viktorjubin4029: I believe that the coming years will come a turning point in the development of Blockchain technology! Although in many ways it has already begun. It is known that a good start for Blockchain was the market of crypto currency. But to date, this technology is actively implemented by investors, is integrated into health care and employment, which along with high security has every chance to become a world leader.


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