Metis正與Poly Network聯絡,鑄造的大量BNB無法交易

【Metis:與Poly Network合作,Metis上鑄造的BNB沒有流動性】
7月2日訊息,以太坊的Layer 2網路Metis發布公告稱,已經注意到PolyBridge所發生的問題,並正與Poly Network團隊合作,以盡量減少攻擊的影響並進一步評估情況。
同時,Metis表示在Metis上新鑄造的BNB沒有可用於賣出的流動性。Metis Andromeda上的所有資金都是安全的。


Metis is in contact with the Poly Network team to mitigate the impact of the attack and assess the situation.

The newly minted BNB on Metis does not have any sell-side liquidity available.

All funds on Metis Andromeda are secure.

Cryptocurrency Terminology:

  1. Metis: Metis refers to the Metis platform, which is a Layer 2 scaling solution for Ethereum.
  2. Poly Network: Poly Network is a cross-chain protocol that allows for the interoperability between different blockchains.
  3. Attack: In the context of this news, an attack refers to a security breach or exploit on the Poly Network that resulted in the loss of funds.
  4. Liquidity: Liquidity refers to the ease with which an asset can be bought or sold in the market without causing significant price fluctuations. Sell-side liquidity refers to the amount of a particular asset available for selling.
  5. Andromeda: Andromeda is a platform or network on the Metis platform.
  6. Secure: When funds are referred to as secure, it means that they are protected and not at risk of being compromised or stolen.


根據這篇新聞,Metis正在與Poly Network團隊聯絡,試圖減少攻擊的影響並評估目前的情況。這意味著市場可能對此事件持悲觀態度,並預測區塊鏈市場可能是偏空的。


提前埋伏Polyhedra network!區塊鏈基礎設施,幣安投資!早刷互動,提早卡位!


@billjplee8359: 幣安投資~~感謝湯哥分享

@user-iu8cf5qp3u: 湯哥牛逼!埋伏起來!

@doris5589: 請問狐狸錢包怎麼擁有呢? 還沒接觸過這塊 謝謝湯哥解答一下~

@NIKE1314: 請問這個只要做一次就可以了嗎? 後續關注 只要關注你youtube就知道了對嗎?

@user-qt1sq9jr4g: 先嚕起來 以備不時之需

@user-iw8fm1zm3f: 來了支援

@user-ls6yh8ki5k: 希望他不會讓我失望

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