Paxful 是一個允許使用者以點對點的方式買賣比特幣的網站,最近已經關閉。共同創辦人 Ray Youssef 和 Artur Schaback 現在正在透過法律行動和反訴來互相攻擊。前員工指控該公司存在嚴重的管理專業性差距,包括基於偏愛的晉升、奢侈的旅遊開銷以及 Youssef 自己在工作中經常使用大麻。Schaback正在起訴 Youssef,指控他將大量比特幣轉移到俄羅斯與 Paxful 有關的實體中,並為 Paxful 的員工和俄羅斯業務建立了一個名為 Dekslektika 的新實體。
- Bitcoin: A cryptocurrency or digital currency that uses encryption techniques to regulate the generation of units of currency and verify the transfer of funds.
- Peer-to-peer: A decentralized model where individuals interact and transact directly with each other, without the need for a centralized intermediary.
- Crypto Exchange: A platform that allows for the buying, selling, and exchanging of cryptocurrencies for other assets or fiat currency.
- Lapses in management professionalism: A lack of professionalism or ethical behavior on the part of management, including favoritism and financial mismanagement.
- Cannabis use: The consumption of marijuana or other cannabis products during work hours.
- Counterclaims: A claim made to rebut a prior claim by the opposite party in a legal proceeding.
- Affiliates: A company, organization or individual associated with another through a partnership or ownership.
加密貨幣交易網站Paxful最近宣佈關閉。其創始人Ray Youssef和Artur Schaback現在似乎陷入了法律訴訟和反訴的紛爭中。前員工指控該公司存在較嚴重的管理專業性疏漏,包括不公平的晉升、旅遊上的奢侈浪費和Youssef本人在工作中經常使用大麻。Schaback正在起訴Youssef,指控他將大量比特幣轉移到與Paxful相關的俄羅斯實體中,並為Paxful的員工和業務在俄羅斯建立了名為Dekslektika的新實體。
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Drugs, Erratic Dismissals and Feuding Founders: Behind Bitcoin Marketplace Paxful’s Unraveling https://t.co/DLLmKDyPFa pic.twitter.com/ARUaHJbZwB
— Six Dimension (@SixDCoin) April 8, 2023