


  • 比特幣挖礦公司:指專門從事比特幣挖礦的公司。
  • 礦池:指多個比特幣挖礦者共同合作,共享計算資源和挖礦收益的集合。
  • 比特幣網路:指比特幣的分散式網路系統,由全球節點組成,用於傳送、驗證和記錄比特幣交易。





Inside El Salvador's Bitcoin experiment


@henrikraymond5235: Starting early is the best way of getting ahead to build wealth, investing remains a priority. The stock market has plenty of opportunities to earn a decent amount of money with the right skills and proper understanding of how the markets works.

@mathilda6588: :yt:

@leratolira5624: Great stuff mate, always a fan! I love your analysis and understand why you follow them. Apparently BTC is almost like a tease when it gets to these levels and it starts to suck in liquidity around this range but we will have to see how the market reacts to these. This is a perfect time to partake in trading as it is volatile. I've made over 9.2 BTC when I started at 1.5 BTC in just a few weeks with Gabriel Alberto William Analysis his strategy is so satisfying.

@zCaxap: excellent job

@yqisq6966: Hummm, given how the US is exporting inflation worldwide, Bitcoin could make sense for small countries who don't have currency sovereignty to begin with.

@wannaBtraceur: Excellent documentary! I never thought that deeply about the Chivo wallet, but it makes you realize that in this early time, it is easy for governments to pervert the proper rollout of btc.

@ShinnKawasaki: Brilliant coverage and insights Uptin. Still find this idea of security and decentralisation fascinating. A question I wrestle with is “what does it mean to be educated about money?”.


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