

區塊鏈技術被視為解決人工智慧 (AI) 所帶來的安全風險的一種解決方案。無論AI在醫療機構還是其他領域的應用,都帶來了新的攻擊媒介,例如勒索軟體攻擊和資料洩露。區塊鏈透過去中心化和不可變的資料儲存方式,可以抵制未經授權的修改或篡改,這對於訓練AI模型的資料集至關重要。






1. 區塊鏈(Blockchain):區塊鏈是一種去中心化的資料儲存和交易技術,可以透過連續的資料塊(block)來記錄交易紀錄,並使用加密演算法將這些塊保護起來,防止篡改或未經授權的變更。

2. 洗錢(Money laundering):洗錢是指將非法來源的資金透過一系列交易流程,使其看起來合法的過程。洗錢行為常常與犯罪活動和非法資金來源有關。

3. 勒索軟體(Ransomware):勒索軟體是一種惡意軟體(malware),它將使用者的資料加密,並要求使用者支付贖金才能解鎖資料。勒索軟體通常透過網路攻擊來感染並加密受害者的檔案。

4. 資料洩露(Data breach):資料洩露是指未經授權的人或組織獲取到機密資料的情況。資料洩露可能導致個人隱私受損,並可能被用於進行詐騙、身份盜竊和其他不法活動。

5. 深度偽造(Deepfake):深度偽造是一種使用人工智慧技術合成虛構或虛假內容的技術。通常用於製造假造的影片、音訊或影象,可能用於欺騙、造假或誹謗等目的。



區塊鏈技術的應用在智慧檔案和網路彈性SaaS服務領域有著巨大的潛力。ShelterZoom的創始人Chao Cheng-Shorland提到了人工智慧所帶來的安全風險,特別是在醫院和醫療機構中。這些機構容易成為勒索軟體攻擊和資料洩露的目標。區塊鏈技術可以提供一種解決方案來保護機構的資料安全。





In the Age of AI (full documentary) | FRONTLINE


@soniastjules: As the progress in this area is accelerating day to day, I think that the researchers, scientists and innovative companies producing AI need to create strong codes of ethical rules/standards along the way. Their main goal should be to always maintain the reality of the AI to be controlled by humans and make AI a helper, not an equal entity. Then there is hope of survival of human species. Otherwise, the worst fears might come true before we know it.

@calebboatsman7856: This documentary just shows how technology has been used to give what governments and corporations and people in general have used for thousands of years. Except now they have a real access to it. It's sick that there is this much control over us and the majority of us just continue our daily lives as if it's all good. I don't even need my own friends knowing every intricate detail of my life let alone my government or any "private business." When will someone stand and vouch for an option of liberty as opposed to an option of oppression?

@jodyxoxo8787: This was such an insightful and important watch, so happy to have found it. I feel that everyone should watch it, mainly to understand on a basic level, what is going on in our world, & how they are using our information ultimately against us to manipulate, influence & even in some instances replace us. This is all simply unethical & disturbing in the least. And the California Consumer Privacy needs to pass into law in all US states.

@qll8840: The level of anxiety this episode gave me is extremely disturbing. Especially the comment about deja vu because I experience deja vu a lot, and I always attributed it to a gut feeling not to or to do something. This belief has never failed me because those gut feelings were always the correct decisions. Now after this episode I’m looking at those same experiences differently because my deja vu experiences I always recalled as a dream when I was experiencing it in real life, then I would recall the dream in full and go with the decision I made in the dream, but now in real life. But this stimulation theory has my mind blown, I can’t sleep and have watched this video way too many times now

@fourbandits: It was so painful to watch the smile on that young man’s face as he’s developing self-driving applications that will put millions of people out of work, all while making millions of dollars for himself, contrasted with the driver’s wife on the verge of breaking down because she had to break her son’s piggy bank to meet their needs.

@JJJ_JJ1: Legendary documentary. No one realized what was coming, even though it was all made abundantly clear.

@veritas41photo: Frontline has always been extremely good in generating interesting and timely documentaries. This one is one of their best, ever!


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