
Curve回應被盜事件:已追回部分資金 正評估受影響使用者份額

Curve Finance官方表示,他們已成功追回上週被盜資金的70%,並正在全力調查剩餘的資金。同時,他們正積極評估每位受影響使用者的份額,以便公平分配。

關於駭客攻擊安全報告的更新,發現了vyper 0.2.15-0.3.0中的漏洞,這導致了aleth、peth、mseth和crveth池被利用。arbitrum-tricrypto池可能也受到了該漏洞的影響,但目前未發現利用漏洞的情況。不過,為了安全起見,使用者最好不要使用該池。而Curve上的其他所有池都是安全的。


Cryptocurrency Terminology

1. Curve Finance: Curve Finance is a decentralized finance platform built on the Ethereum blockchain. It allows users to trade stablecoins with low slippage and low fees.

2. Stolen funds: Stolen funds refer to the cryptocurrency or digital assets that have been unlawfully acquired or taken from a user's wallet or account without their authorization.

3. Capital recovery: Capital recovery refers to the process of retrieving or recovering stolen funds or lost capital. In the context of Curve Finance, it means successfully retrieving the 70% of the stolen funds that were stolen.

4. Victims: Victims, in this context, refer to the users who had their funds stolen from their wallets or accounts.

5. Allocation: Allocation refers to the distribution or division of the recovered funds among the victims in a fair and just manner.

6. Vulnerability: A vulnerability is a weakness or flaw in a system or software that can be exploited by malicious individuals or hackers to gain unauthorized access or control over the system. In this case, the vulnerability in the vyper 0.2.15-0.3.0 code allowed hackers to exploit certain pools in Curve Finance.

7. Exploited pools: Exploited pools are the liquidity pools in Curve Finance that were targeted and manipulated by hackers to steal funds due to the vulnerability in the vyper code.

8. Safe pools: Safe pools are the liquidity pools in Curve Finance that were not affected or exploited by the vulnerability in the vyper code and remained secure.

9. Users: Users refer to individuals who interact with Curve Finance and utilize its services for trading or providing liquidity.

10. DeFi (Decentralized Finance): DeFi refers to the ecosystem of financial applications and services built on blockchain technology that aim to provide traditional financial functionalities without the need for intermediaries or centralized authority.


這則新聞表示,Curve Finance官方已成功追回了上週被盜的70%資金,並正努力追查其他被盜資金。同時,他們也在計算每個受影響使用者的份額,以實現合理的資金分配。此外,他們提到一些池子被利用,而其他池子則是安全的,並鼓勵使用者避免使用可能受漏洞影響的池子。

根據以上訊息,這篇新聞對於區塊鏈市場偏多的訊息,因為Curve Finance成功追回了被盜的資金並正在努力追查其他被盜資金,這顯示了他們對安全問題的重視和及時的應對能力。此外,他們也在計算每個受影響使用者的份額,以確保合理的資金分配,這可能增加了使用者對Curve Finance的信任。然而,他們也提到了漏洞的存在,鼓勵使用者避免使用可能受漏洞影響的池子,這可能對市場產生一定的負面影響。總體而言,這篇新聞對區塊鏈市場偏多的訊息。




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