Curve創始人出售125萬枚CRV,並用所得資金償還逾50萬USDT債務給Aave V2

Curve Finance創始人Michael Egorov於8月4日17:19出售了125萬枚CRV,並以換取了50萬枚USDC。此外,他還用部分所獲得的USDC償還了Aave V2平臺上超過50萬USDT的債務。
Curve創始人出售125萬枚CRV,並用所得資金償還逾50萬USDT債務給Aave V2


  • Curve Finance: A decentralized exchange protocol designed for stablecoin swaps and low slippage.
  • CRV: The native token of the Curve Finance platform, used for voting, rewards, and fees.
  • USDC: USD Coin, a stablecoin pegged to the US dollar.
  • USDT: Tether, a stablecoin pegged to the US dollar.
  • Aave V2: A decentralized liquidity protocol allowing users to lend and borrow cryptocurrencies.
  • Liquidity: The availability of assets (in this case, USDC) to be borrowed or lent on a platform.
  • Assets: In this context, refers to cryptocurrencies or stablecoins.
  • Sell: The act of exchanging or converting a cryptocurrency for another currency or asset.
  • Repay: To return borrowed assets (in this case, USDT) to the lender.


根據這篇新聞,Curve Finance的創始人在8月4日出售了很多CRV,並且換取了50萬枚USDC。他使用這些USDC還清了超過50萬USDT的債務。從這個交易可以看出,Curve Finance的創始人對於區塊鏈市場有著較多的信心,顯示他相信目前的市場是偏多的。

Curve創始人出售125萬枚CRV,並用所得資金償還逾50萬USDT債務給Aave V2

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