
根據Scopescan資料監測,6小時前,Curve創始人Michael Egorov向Silo存入1,100萬枚CRV(約合573萬美元),並借入180萬枚crvUSD。隨後,他將180萬枚crvUSD兌換成155萬枚USDT,用於償還AAVE上的債務。另外,25萬的DAI被傳送到xDAI橋。


Cryptocurrency Terminologies

Cryptocurrency Terminologies

  • CRV: CRV is the native token of Curve Finance, a decentralized exchange protocol primarily designed for stablecoin trading.
  • USD: USD refers to the United States Dollar, the fiat currency of the United States.
  • USDT: USDT is a stablecoin that represents the US Dollar on the blockchain. It is issued by Tether and is pegged to the value of USD.
  • DAI: DAI is a decentralized stablecoin on the Ethereum blockchain that is soft-pegged to the US Dollar. It is issued by MakerDAO.
  • xDAI Bridge: xDAI Bridge is a decentralized bridge that allows tokens to be transferred between the Ethereum and xDAI networks.
  • AAVE: AAVE is a decentralized lending protocol that allows users to borrow and lend various cryptocurrencies.


根據此新聞,Curve創始人Michael Egorov最近將1100萬枚CRV代幣存入了Silo,這顯示了他對區塊鏈市場的樂觀情緒。此外,他借入了180萬枚crvUSD代幣,並將其兌換成了155萬枚USDT用於還清在AAVE上的債務。另外,還有25萬枚DAI代幣透過xDAI橋傳送。根據這些操作,可以推斷出Michael Egorov對區塊鏈市場是偏多的,所以可以說此新聞對區塊鏈市場是偏多的訊息。



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