“超級應用程式” 或成Web3的超級武器
埃隆·馬斯克在Twitter上添加了一個“狗狗幣”頭像,這是走向超級應用的小小一步,而這個想法目前更多的是虛無縹緲而不是現實。像Facebook、Google和Uber這樣的有價值的技術企業的核心在於網路效應。然而,監管機構一直針對這種關係進行調查,因為這對公司來說價值數十億美元。儘管蘋果和谷歌是例外,但在商業網際網路經濟中,沒有一個像殖民者 hoarded 那樣hoarded網路的超級應用可以形成。分散的Web3是無需許可的,並吸引那些最終將創造2004年網際網路上無法實現的應用程式的構建者。
- Dogecoin: A cryptocurrency created as a joke in 2013, but has gained popularity due to celebrities like Elon Musk promoting it.
- Super app: An app that offers multiple services within a single platform, creating network effects and increasing user retention.
- Network effects: When the value of a product or service increases as more people use it, creating a positive feedback loop.
- Regulatory authorities: Government agencies responsible for regulating industries and enforcing laws and regulations.
- Apple and Google: Two technology companies that have created ecosystems around their products and services, enabling them to form super apps.
- Mercantilist internet economy: An economic system where companies prioritize their own profits and interests over the needs of their users and other companies.
- Decentralized Web3: The next evolution of the internet, which aims to create a more open and decentralized web using blockchain technology.
- Permissionless: Refers to systems or networks that allow anyone to participate without the need for permission or approval from a central authority.
區塊鏈是一場政治實驗?比特幣非常不環保?加密貨幣是新經濟秩序、龐氏騙局,還是泡沫一場? 各國為何開始推動數位貨幣?《加密貨幣的政治與經濟》書來面對EP32
📌||#Tecnología|| 🧑💻
Twitter ya no existe…al menos en el papel. Descubre los cambios y los planes de Elon Musk para hacer de esta red sociodigital una “súperapp”.📱https://t.co/rXHVCYVmkm
— iMx Noticias (@iMxNoticias) April 13, 2023
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