加密風投Concave Ventures將收購Fjord Foundry,LBP社群平臺。
加密風投機構Concave Ventures將收購LBP社群平臺Fjord Foundry。雙方已就交易事項敲定協議,具體金額尚未公開。根據協議,收購交易完成後,透過Fjord和Fjord NFTs所產生的所有新收入都將進入Concave管理的多重簽名錢包。同時,@TheMoonMidas將擔任Fjord的首席營銷官。目前,雙方已確定付款時間表,具體交易內容將根據協議內容進行執行。
【Concave Ventures to Acquire Fjord Foundry】
Concave Ventures, a cryptocurrency venture capital firm, has announced its acquisition of Fjord Foundry, a community platform for LBP. The exact amount of the acquisition has not been disclosed. As part of the agreement, all new revenues generated through Fjord and Fjord NFTs will be directed to a multi-signature wallet managed by Concave Ventures. @TheMoonMidas has been appointed as the Chief Marketing Officer of Fjord. A payment schedule has been established and the transaction will be executed according to the terms of the agreement.
1/ We are thrilled to announce that Concave has acquired @FjordFoundry, the innovation leader for Liquidity Bootstrapping Pools in Web3! 🧵 pic.twitter.com/mbEkZUhgDc
— Concave (@ConcaveFi) July 19, 2023
- 加密風投 (Cryptocurrency Venture Capital): 指投資加密貨幣相關專案的風險投資基金。
- 收購 (Acquisition): 指一家公司從另一家公司或個人手中購買股權或資產,以獲得對其業務或資產的控制權。
- 社群平臺 (Community Platform): 在這裡指Fjord Foundry是一個能夠讓加密貨幣社群成員互相交流、分享資訊和參與討論的網路平臺。
- LBP (Launchpad/BEP-20): 是一種加密貨幣發布模式,使用Binance Smart Chain(BSC)上的BEP-20標準。
- Fjord (Fjord Foundry): 加密貨幣社群平臺,將被Concave Ventures收購。
- NFTs (Non-Fungible Tokens): 非同質化代幣,指一種加密貨幣資產,每個代幣都有獨一無二的屬性和價值。
- 多重簽名錢包 (Multisignature Wallet): 是一種加密貨幣錢包,需要多個授權人的簽名才能進行交易。
- 首席營銷官 (Chief Marketing Officer): 指公司的市場部門負責人,負責制定和實施市場營銷策略。
根據這篇新聞,Concave Ventures將收購LBP社群平臺Fjord Foundry,具體金額未披露,支付時間表已敲定。從Fjord和Fjord NFTs來自LBP的所有新收入都將進入Concave管理的多重簽名錢包。此舉表明Concave Ventures對區塊鏈市場是偏多的態度。
【 志祺七七 】「區塊鏈」≠ 「比特幣」!區塊鏈的運作原理到底是什麼?《生難字彙大辭海》EP 028
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