Atomic Wallet交易所凍結200萬美元“可疑存款”

加密錢包Atomic Wallet與主要加密貨幣交易所共同凍結了200萬美元的“可疑存款”。Atomic Wallet在10月19日表示,區塊鏈情報公司Chainalysis和Crystal已協助該錢包公司識別和遏制這一威脅。

Atomic Wallet交易所凍結200萬美元“可疑存款”


  • 加密貨幣錢包:一個用於儲存,管理和交易加密貨幣的數字錢包。
  • 加密貨幣交易所:一個平臺,用於交易不同種類的加密貨幣資產。
  • 鏈上情報公司:透過分析區塊鏈資料,提供相關區塊鏈資產的資訊和洞察的公司。
  • 威脅行為者:指在資訊保安領域中對系統或資料形成潛在威脅的個人或組織。
  • 橋接器:一種工具,用於在不同的區塊鏈網路之間傳輸資金或資產。
  • 混合器:也稱為貨幣混合服務,用於混淆加密貨幣的交易路徑,增加交易的隱私性和匿名性。
  • 比特幣區塊鏈:比特幣區塊鏈是比特幣的分散式資料庫,記錄了比特幣交易的所有歷史記錄。
  • Tron區塊鏈:Tron區塊鏈是一個基於區塊鏈技術的去中心化平臺,用於實現去中心化應用和數字資產的發行和交易。


根據這篇新聞,可以得出以下分析:加密貨幣錢包Atomic Wallet與加密貨幣交易所共同凍結200萬美元的可疑存款,並得到了區塊鏈情報公司Chainalysis和Crystal的幫助以識別和遏制這一威脅。報告指出,威脅行為者使用了複雜的方法將資金連線到比特幣區塊鏈,其中大部分資金最終進入了Tron區塊鏈和比特幣網路。




The Best Hot Wallets of 2023


@JMBrown32: Great very detailed and to the point video article you posted mate . On the other hand there are many ways of manipulating the market, I was able to grasp the knowledge of trading crypto assets early enough, but i was still limited due to my lack of technical understanding of how to analyse the digital market , all that changed when i encountered (Chad Hanson) strategy. more emphasis should be put into day trading as it Is less affected by the unpredictable nature of the market.

@therealthinkright8917: Thanks for the great insight. I used some of the wallets you shared and atomic wallet happens to be my favorite

@WillBeecher: ALL HOT WALLETS should have VAULTS! Come on CB has this on their Exchange. Wallets should always have a VAULT Feature, that means it takes 72 hours to 7 days to move it out of the VAULT. Then it can't be hacked and moved without it taking DAYS or WEEKS. So it can never happen!

@WillBeecher: We NEED A WALLET with a DIGITAL VAULT. Then the crypto is there but it is Offline. Its not sitting on the chain ready to move! This is not that hard folks. Make it 72 hours to 7 DAY Vault. Coinbase already has this. It should be a basic feature.

@ahmadjodaki1554: The Utopia ecosystem hot wallet is ideal for storing cryptocurrency

@tropicalbreeze7508: Great info. Thank you sir

@therealvent: you forgot Nami (the most simplistic user-friendly hot wallet for Cardano)

Atomic Wallet交易所凍結200萬美元“可疑存款”

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