@JefferyConway584: The current market buzz certainly offers a fascinating viewpoint. It's quite startling to witness such bold predictions about the future trajectory of certain cryptos and stocks. The fervor around AI and the robo-taxi concept appears to be inflated. Amidst this, it's essential to keep one's feet on the ground and not be swayed by these forward-looking statements. My strategy in this climate has been to trade judiciously, secure profits, and I can't praise Kerrie Farrell enough for her stellar work in analyzing charts, trades, and techniques. Her expertise has been instrumental in expanding my portfolio to a whopping $247k in just 9 weeks. I would highly recommend her to anyone looking to grow their investments..
@maddie9861: 目前還在觀察階段,可是據我所知WLD 沒有要求真實身分進行KYC。個人覺得,如果這種情況下掃眼球,跟iPhone 的touch ID或是face ID 不就差不多嗎