Fantom考慮整合Optimistic Rollup與以太坊連線

AC表示,Fantom正在考慮整合Optimistic Rollup技術,將Fantom連線到以太坊。如果Fantom採用Optimistic Rollup,並提供完整的交易歷史記錄在以太坊上,那麼Fantom需要支付交易費用將這些快照寫入以太坊。Fantom基金會執行總監Michael Kong補充說,透過這種方式實施Layer2技術將使Fantom網路能夠從以太坊生態系統中獲得更多流動性。
Fantom考慮整合Optimistic Rollup與以太坊連線


Fantom Foundation Considers Integration with Ethereum through Optimistic Rollup

The Fantom Foundation is considering using Optimistic Rollup to integrate with Ethereum and increase liquidity on the Fantom network. If Fantom adopts Optimistic Rollup, it will need to pay transaction fees to have transaction history written onto Ethereum. This approach will make Fantom more connected to Ethereum.


  1. Fantom Foundation: Fantom Foundation is an organization that oversees the development and operations of the Fantom blockchain platform.
  2. Optimistic Rollup: Optimistic Rollup is a layer 2 scaling solution for blockchains that allows for increased transaction throughput and reduced fees. It achieves this by processing transactions off-chain and only submitting a summary of the transactions to the main blockchain. The main blockchain is then used as a dispute resolution layer to ensure the accuracy of the summarized data.
  3. Fantom Network: Fantom Network is a decentralized, high-performance smart contract platform that aims to provide fast and secure transactions for developers and users.
  4. Liquidity: Liquidity refers to the ease with which an asset can be bought or sold without causing significant price changes. In the context of cryptocurrencies, high liquidity allows for efficient trading and exchange of digital assets.
  5. Transaction Fees: Transaction fees are charges incurred by users to process and validate transactions on a blockchain network. These fees are typically paid to validators or miners who secure the network and verify transactions.
  6. Transaction History: Transaction history refers to a chronological record of all transactions that have occurred on a blockchain network. It includes information such as sender, receiver, amount, and timestamp.
  7. Ethereum: Ethereum is a decentralized blockchain platform that supports smart contracts and enables the development of decentralized applications (dApps).
  8. Connected: In the context of blockchain networks, being connected refers to the ability to interact and share data with other blockchain networks. This integration allows for interoperability and enhanced functionality.


根據這篇新聞,Fantom基金會考慮使用Optimistic Rollup整合以太坊,以增加Fantom網路的流動性。這將使Fantom能夠與以太坊更加連線。這種整合可以提高Fantom網路的效能並增加其對流動性的需求。因此,對於區塊鏈市場而言,這項訊息可能會對Fantom和以太坊有正向的影響,因為它有助於增加跨鏈交易和流動性。因此,可以認為此新聞對區塊鏈市場是偏多的。



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Fantom考慮整合Optimistic Rollup與以太坊連線

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