

根據鏈上資訊顯示,在10小時前,由Multichain CEO Zhao Jun姐姐控制的EOA地址在Fantom鏈上轉移了大筆資產。其中包括52枚封裝比特幣、1190萬枚DAI、1.3萬枚ETH以及6400萬枚fUSDT,這些資產都轉移到了以0x632開頭的新地址。此外,此次代幣轉移所需的gas是在12小時前從火必交易平臺轉入。



  1. Cryptocurrency: A digital or virtual form of currency that uses cryptography for secure financial transactions and control the creation of new units.
  2. Blockchain: A decentralized and distributed ledger technology that records transactions across multiple computers, ensuring transparency, integrity, and security.
  3. Multichain: A platform that allows the creation and management of multiple interconnected blockchains.
  4. CEO: Chief Executive Officer, the highest-ranking executive in a company who is responsible for making major corporate decisions.
  5. Fantom: A decentralized smart contract platform that aims to provide fast and secure blockchain solutions.
  6. 0x632: An address identifier format used in Ethereum-based cryptocurrencies.
  7. Gas: A unit of measurement for the computational work required to process transactions and smart contracts on the Ethereum network.
  8. DAI: A stablecoin pegged to the value of the US dollar.
  9. ETH: The native cryptocurrency of the Ethereum blockchain.
  10. fUSDT: A token representing Tether (USDT) on the Fantom blockchain.
  11. Huobi: A cryptocurrency exchange platform.

- The news report mentions the use of various cryptocurrencies and blockchain-related terms, as follows:
1. Cryptocurrency: It refers to the digital assets mentioned in the news, such as wrapped Bitcoin (52), DAI (1190 million), Ethereum (1.3 thousand), and Fantom USDT (64 million). These are different forms of digital currencies used for financial transactions.
2. Blockchain: It is the underlying technology used by Fantom and Ethereum blockchains to record and secure these transactions.
3. Multichain: It is a platform that allows the creation and management of multiple interconnected blockchains, mentioned in connection with the CEO.
4. CEO: Chief Executive Officer, the highest-ranking executive in this case, mentioned as the CEO of Multichain.
5. Fantom: A specific blockchain platform that is used for the mentioned transaction.
6. 0x632: It is an address identifier on the Ethereum blockchain, used for the new address mentioned in the news.
7. Gas: It is the unit used for measuring the computational work required to process transactions and smart contracts. It was mentioned in connection with the gas used for this particular transaction, which was transferred from Huobi exchange.
8. DAI: It is a stablecoin (cryptocurrency with a stable value) pegged to the US dollar. It was mentioned as one of the assets transferred.
9. ETH: It is the native cryptocurrency of the Ethereum blockchain and was mentioned as one of the assets transferred.
10. fUSDT: It is a token representing Tether (USDT) on the Fantom blockchain. It was mentioned as one of the assets transferred.
11. Huobi: It is a cryptocurrency exchange platform mentioned in connection with the gas transferred for the transaction.


根據這篇新聞,Multichain CEO趙軍的姐姐在最近將大量資產從Fantom鏈轉移到以0x632開頭的新地址。轉移的資產包括52枚封裝比特幣、1190萬枚DAI、1.3萬枚ETH和6400萬枚fUSDT。此外,此次代幣轉移所需的gas是從火幣交易平臺在12小時前轉入的。

根據這些資訊,我們無法確定這個轉移是偏多還是偏空的訊息。因為我們不清楚這次轉移的原因和目的,也無法得知Multichain CEO趙軍的姐姐對區塊鏈市場的看法或預測。





@moomir50: Jadi critanya di wemix itu ada beberapa game Salah satu nya mir4 Dan untuk bikin token nya butuh item di game nya buat di smelt ke draco yang ujung2nya dituker ke wemix, nah kesalahannya adalah ada moment game nya kena hack lalu itemnya itu di duplikat sama hackernya Dan langsung lah di smelt jadi token draco yang lalu dituker menjadi wemix walaupun dulu pihak wemix bilang kalau susah dibekukan, tapi sepertinya Masih banyak yang Lolos karena bbrapa jam setelah kebobolan mulai banyak orang2 yang tau juga cara untuk duplikatin itemnya. Dan sepertinya di game nya pun ada rumor klo terjadi duplikat lagi sih. Oh btw Tapa ada dupli pun supply sama demand nya udah parah bgt sih, kebanyakan yang jual Dari pada yg beli...

@irbadgabut8154: semoga balik lagi, karena lihat dari komunitas yang main game masih banyak bang. yakin aja wemix bakal selesaikan masalahnya

@lordpea7361: Min, swap nya sekarang gimana kalau ke tokocrypto ? Sebelum update masih bisa pake KLAY yang dikirim ke Tokocrypto

@webleedblue_id: bahas wemix lgi bang, lgi up tipis tipis soalnya

@fahrulrozi-iy9ux: Delisting ny kan dari korea doang

@marsz7896: Setiap hari banyak orang pintar dan cerdas dan tidak akan ketipu lagi koin ponzi dump rugpul

@gatesync: Dlu kan wemix nebeng jaringan klay..nah kmren wemix itu bikin jaringan sndiri.. kaya ny itu penyebab over supply....


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