PancakeSwap上線Coinbase L2網路Base

8月31日訊息,去中心化交易協議PancakeSwap宣佈上線Coinbase Layer2網路Base,PancakeSwap將首先將其交易和流動性供應功能引入Base。然後預計將其流動性質押功能引入Base。
PancakeSwap上線Coinbase L2網路Base


- **PancakeSwap**: PancakeSwap is a decentralized exchange (DEX) running on the Binance Smart Chain (BSC), offering services like swapping, staking, and yield farming for cryptocurrencies.

- **Coinbase**: Coinbase is a popular cryptocurrency exchange platform where users can buy, sell, and trade a variety of digital assets.

- **Layer2 network**: A Layer2 network is a scalability solution that operates on top of an existing blockchain network like Ethereum, helping to increase transaction speed and reduce fees by handling transactions off-chain and only settling them on the main blockchain when necessary.

- **Base**: Base is a Layer2 network developed by Coinbase that aims to provide faster and cheaper transactions compared to the Ethereum mainnet.

- **交易 (Transaction)**: A transaction refers to the transfer of digital assets between parties on a blockchain network.

- **流動性供應 (Liquidity provision)**: In the context of decentralized exchanges, liquidity provision refers to the act of depositing tokens into a liquidity pool, enabling users to trade those tokens in a decentralized manner.

- **流動性質押 (Liquidity staking)**: Liquidity staking involves providing liquidity to a decentralized exchange and receiving rewards for doing so. Users stake their tokens in liquidity pools to facilitate trading and earn a portion of the transaction fees or other rewards.

- **加密貨幣專業術語 (Cryptocurrency Terminology)**: These are terms specific to the cryptocurrency industry and may not be commonly used in traditional financial settings.


PancakeSwap宣佈將在Coinbase Layer2網路Base上線,並引入交易和流動性供應功能。Coinbase作為加密貨幣市場的龍頭交易所,具有廣泛的使用者基礎和信任度,因此PancakeSwap在這一平臺上線將為其帶來更多的流動性和交易機會。此舉也表明了區塊鏈市場對於去中心化交易所和流動性供應協議的需求逐漸增加。



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@StanleyLu8309: 希望世界可以多一些善良的人掌權

@bboysoon01: vision pro 對創業來說絕對是藍海,未來會衍伸出相關行業及公司,我認為 AI 若能協助3D建模,就像 google map 實景建立在裡面,會完全改變人類的社會結構和商業模式

@BonnieBlockchain: 支援D大!繼續加倉!

@user-oj4ci7cy8l: 回很喜歡看D大的影片是因為每次D大都可以用更高的維度去分析事情,謝謝D大

@gash8633: 看了鍾文澤體驗apple vision 後的影片,真的挺興奮的,不過也不會衝首發,畢竟太貴了而且科技產品確實是會越來越便宜

@Bigsmart66697: 感覺和去年12月幣安被告的手法相同,也是一堆媒體先FUD幣安再由政府機構告幣安同時也大肆報導傳統金融機構要進入幣圈的訊息

@user-dn1om1ov6t: 我的看法~

PancakeSwap上線Coinbase L2網路Base

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