日本區塊鏈眾籌平臺Financie完成約1080萬美元新一輪融資,TIS Inc.參投

日本區塊鏈眾籌平臺Financie宣佈完成新一輪融資,共獲得15億日元(約合1080萬美元)的投資。其中,TIS Inc.參與了此次融資活動。這是Financie繼之前融資之後的又一筆資金注入,使其總融資金額達到28億日元(約合2020萬美元)。

Financie, Inc.是一家為基於代幣的社群和生態系統提供服務的科技公司。旗下擁有幾項關鍵業務,包括基於區塊鏈的代幣發行眾籌服務FiNANCiE、NFT業務和IEO支援業務。

日本區塊鏈眾籌平臺Financie完成約1080萬美元新一輪融資,TIS Inc.參投



  1. 區塊鏈 (Blockchain):一種由多個節點組成的分散式資料庫,使用加密技術和共識機制,用於安全且可追蹤地記錄和驗證資料交易。
  2. 眾籌 (Crowdfunding):透過向大眾募集資金的方式來籌集資金,並將這些資金用於支援特定專案或企業的發展。
  3. 代幣 (Token):在區塊鏈上發行的數字資產,代表特定權益或價值。可以用作支付手段、投資工具或用於存取特定平臺或服務。
  4. NFT (Non-Fungible Token):一種獨特且不可替代的代幣,表示對特定數字資產(如藝術品、音樂、影片等)的所有權或授權。
  5. IEO (Initial Exchange Offering):一種透過加密貨幣交易所進行的眾籌活動,由交易所為專案發行代幣,在其平臺上舉行銷售,提供更方便的投資和交易途徑。





Token Economies


@DennisAllums: This is easily the best introduction video for a person who knows a little and wants to firm up that limited knowledge for you connect all the dots. before, the dots were scattered all over youtube.

@stanslvrt8705: i can safely say that this is BY FAR the BEST introduction to token economies I've EVER seen. Thank you!

@altonwells2317: This was actually one of the best explanations of tokenomics that i've ever heard.

@TekticTV: This should be shown to all Econ students worldwide

@djr113: Nice overview, thank you for putting this together.

@pedrozurita9913: This video is the perfect starting point for people to learn about blockchain and the new token economy.

@ginastubinski7325: How can a token system account for the integrity of the ecosystem? Does it plug-in a company's manufacturing logistics and purchasing records? I'd love to learn more about the calculation methods. This could be an amazing tool for businesses who're trying to understand exactly what their negative extremities really are.

日本區塊鏈眾籌平臺Financie完成約1080萬美元新一輪融資,TIS Inc.參投

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