EOA地址將200枚ETH轉至Tornado Cash

據區塊鏈安全公司CertiK的官方推特訊息,有一個以太坊地址(EOA地址:0xd50e)將200枚ETH(相當於37萬美元)轉移到了Tornado Cash。這筆資金被認為是從遭入侵的Multichain執行器地址中轉出的,該地址曾在7月5日轉移了95.5萬枚USDT到一個新的EOA地址。這個轉移動作引起了人們的關注,因為Tornado Cash是一個匿名化的以太坊混幣協議,它可以將資金的時序和所有權層次混淆,保護使用者的隱私。此事的具體背景以及地址轉移的目的尚不得而知。
EOA地址將200枚ETH轉至Tornado Cash


- EOA地址(EOA stands for externally owned account)是以太坊中的一種帳戶型別,表示由外部擁有人(如個人或組織)擁有和控制的帳戶。
- 200枚ETH(以太幣)是以太坊的加密貨幣,每枚ETH的價值約合1,850美元。
- Tornado Cash是一個隱私協議和去中心化的應用,用於保護使用者的加密貨幣交易隱私。
- Multichain執行器地址是一個曾經遭受入侵的帳戶,該帳戶在7月5日將95.5萬枚USDT(泰達幣,一種與美元等值的穩定幣)轉移到一個新的EOA地址。穩定幣是一種加密貨幣,其價值一般與某種法定貨幣(如美元)相連結,具有較低的價格波動性。


根據這篇新聞,一個EOA地址轉移了一筆價值37萬美元的ETH到Tornado Cash。這筆資金是由已遭入侵的Multichain執行器地址轉來的,該地址在7月5日將95.5萬枚USDT轉移到一個新的EOA地址。


The Bull Case for MKR | Sam MacPherson, Niklas Kunkel & monetsupply.eth


@10169142: What an awesome podcast, more of MakerDAO please

@TheVladsChannel: Great overview, thank you! Please do more interviews with individuals building real DAOs.

@GlennHerriott: Good format. I would like to see same for Yearn Finance. Been a tough few months but lots of cool projects in the pipeline

@MinhNguyen-zr3mn: Great talk guys. Can we have some more updates? So far MKR is proven to be resilient with all the debacles with Luna and Voyagers.

@John-A: Love what MakerDao is doing!

@Actdocy: My question about DAI's demand is the incentive for retail investors. We have to admit that ppl love higher yields with lower risk. However, DAI's yield loses to both USDC and UST, and its risk is higher than USDC, so there is no incentive for retail to hold DAI, IMO.

@lherfel: what legal team does Maker use to sue when companies default on thier loans go into bankruptcy? what legal team will be used when payments are missed/skipped/habitually late? what about need to refinance terms when a lender is going under and needs longer duration?

EOA地址將200枚ETH轉至Tornado Cash

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