
根據Lookonchain監測,有4個地址在BALD開始交易後 4 分鐘內花費 0.534枚ETH (1000美元) 購買 5000萬枚BALD(佔總供應量的 5%)。然後以 出售了3700萬枚BALD換成554枚ETH的價格(104 萬美元)。這4個地址同時從Bybit提取0.5ETH,跨鏈到Base網路,並在BALD開始交易後4分鐘內購買BALD。這很可能是同一個人,而且可能是專案的內部人士。


  • ETH: 以太幣 (Ethereum),一種在以太坊區塊鏈上執行的加密貨幣。
  • BALD: 一種加密貨幣標記(BEP-20代幣),可能指的是某個專案的代幣。
  • 供應量: 一種加密貨幣的總發行量,代表了該貨幣的數量限制。
  • 地址: 加密貨幣交易的唯一識別符,類似於銀行帳戶號碼。
  • 交易: 在區塊鏈上完成的貨幣或資產轉移。
  • Bybit: 一個加密貨幣交易平臺,使用者可以在該平臺上進行加密貨幣的交易。
  • 跨鏈: 在不同區塊鏈之間移動資產或資料的過程。
  • Base網路: 一種可能是指某個區塊鏈網路。





How does a blockchain work - Simply Explained


@mymaninchampagne: At last, an understandable explanation of blockchain with clear, simple and yet informative illustrations and commentary. Thank you

@pummyy: If you cannot explain something simple enough for everyone to understand, then you have not understood it well enough. Great video.

@jamesnicholas7413: I'm new to all this crypto, feels overwhelming but I won't give up on learning this. Thanks for you clear explanation from the very beginning!

@carl___________: Great video, thank you for breaking down this complex concept into a simple and understandable explanation. May God bless you man

@atwash1017: You do an amazing job explaining things! I’ve fallen into a hole with four videos because it’s so easily understood. Awesome job!

@madylinspencer1017: Just wanted to say I'm citing your video in a paper I'm writing for my health information systems class. My professor also showed your video in class one day a month or two after I had found it. Needless to say, this video has been quite helpful for explaining blockchain in a way which is easy to understand lol. Thanks!

@thelastexpress4270: Dude you've explained this so well! I've search many sources before and couldn't grasp the concept. You used visual guides excellently as well! I only understand now thanks to you!


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