Madlads NFT需求旺盛,壓垮網路延遲鑄造。

Solana上的Madlads NFT推遲 24 小時

由於對Madlads NFT情有獨鍾的興趣爆炸,專案的推出時間被推遲了 24 小時。Madlads專案與Solana二人組Armani Ferrante和Tristan Yver息息相關,將於當地時間10月8日上午7點開放給公眾進行艾體,該超級非同質化代幣(NFT)專案相關帳戶晚間在 Twitter 上發布。推遲時間近 24 小時可為Madlads的建立者爭取時間解決他們未預期的問題:網路流量過大。


雅虎娛樂報道,Madlads的建立者將此描述為“與此前我們所遇到的任何問題相比都瘋狂得多”。Ferrante在Twitter空間(Twitter Spaces)上向近7,000名傾聽者解釋了為什麼前延後的原因是由於艾體的爆炸式需求對網路造成了巨大的壓力。

Madlads專案的推出受到了Solana開發者社群的熱烈關注,人們都在尋找任何能為他們確保接觸該專案的機會的優勢。有些懊喪的尋求者甚至追隨了Substack的建議,也就是錯誤地暗示從Solana開發專案 Helius 購買定製RPC節點 ("RPC nodes") 可以使爭取艾體機會。這個錯誤的資訊觸發了Helius公司的一些紛亂的報名,促使CEO Mert Mumaz發表宣告驅趕不明真相的人



  • NFT:非同質化代幣,代表獨一無二的數字資產,例如藝術品、遊戲道具等。
  • Solana:一種基於區塊鏈技術的加密貨幣,旨在提高交易速度和吞吐量。
  • xNFT:代表程式碼化的所有權權利的非同質化代幣。
  • Mint:鑄造代幣的過程。
  • Phantom:一種加密貨幣錢包,在Solana區塊鏈上執行。
  • DDoS攻擊:分散式拒絕服務攻擊,旨在使目標伺服器或網站無法正常運作。
  • RPC節點:遠端過程呼叫節點,用於在區塊鏈網路中執行功能。


  • NFT:代表獨一無二的數字資產,每個NFT都有其獨特的擁有者和所有權。
  • Solana:一種基於區塊鏈技術的加密貨幣,具有較高的交易速度和吞吐量。
  • xNFT:代表程式碼化的所有權權利的非同質化代幣,可以在區塊鏈上記錄和驗證資產的所有權。
  • Mint:鑄造代幣的過程,類似於採礦。
  • Phantom:一種加密貨幣錢包,在Solana區塊鏈上執行,用於儲存和管理加密貨幣。
  • DDoS攻擊:分散式拒絕服務攻擊,是一種常見的網路攻擊方式,旨在透過洪水式攻擊讓目標伺服器或網站無法正常運作。
  • RPC節點:遠端過程呼叫節點,是在區塊鏈網路中執行功能和交易的重要元件。


本新聞報導Solana的NFT專案Madlads因過多的網際網路流量而延遲發行,因請求過多,加密錢包Backpack超過了平臺可承擔的能力而引起DDoS攻擊,導致開放鑄造時間被推遲。Madlads專案只能在Coral的錢包應用程式Backpack中鑄造,並且在市場領導者Phantom不參與的情況下被支援。在NFT交易者中,對Madlads專案的需求已經導致Coral的錢包應用程式Backpack的註冊暴增。儘管有些人嘗試從Solana開發者專案Helius購買自定義RPC節點以提高它們的機會,但CEO Mert Mumaz警告他們這樣做實際上不能增加搶購Madlads的機會。綜合來看,此新聞可能會讓區塊鏈市場偏空。


DBD NFT Controversy and why it matters


PotatoWeaver: "I'm going to try and explain this in the most basic way and if it doesn't make sense, then you fully understand it." lmao best quote I've heard this year.

Dark Lord Rowan: I do believe Behavior should have a fiscal responsibility to disclose this sort of information. NFTs have been controversial for a while and it shouldn't have been kept hidden that this was a part of the deal to get a character into a game.

Zach Poob: the fact this is real is SO INSANE LMFAO

peachyfren: It was very telling that SOMETHING was coming with how many devs were jumping ship these past months on top of the insane % loss of playerbase and dysfunctional additions to DBD. I think it's fair to support the artists, streamers, and content creators who focus on DBD because they're the real and true people who made this game what it is today but I completely understand the frustration with BHVR and I will not be giving them any more of my money if it's going towards this. Their greed and ignorance knows no bounds.

JustDante: I'm also a content creator for DBD, and I had the same feeling as you. Even though I like DBD, I regret putting my money into the game, sometimes I feel like I don't want to play it, etc. I've just decided to never give money to BHVR again (I'm still unsure about what I'm going to do with the next licensed chapters that come out since I kinda need them for content). I'm only going to buy original characters with shards, I'm not buying skins anymore, I will not buy any related merch sold by BHVR. That's the best I can do right now, but I can't stop playing the game. If anyone asks me what I think about BHVR I'm gonna say my opinion about this, I don't care if I lose any kind of opportunity because of that.

Ahren Smith: Thank you for being so outspoken about this situation

Persuasion94: Omg thank you so much for explaining this, I have been trying to do research on this topic, I had no idea what NFT's were, and from what I read it just seemed like a normal type of cryptocurrency, not something I'd be involved with, but there are some people that do get into it those things, but I couldn't find much information really about all these ramifications you talked about from the cryptocurrency. But now I understand. Thank you for clearing this up.


Madlads NFT需求旺盛,壓垮網路延遲鑄造。

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