加密貨幣基礎設施及跨境支付服務提供商BRLA Digital完成60萬美元Pre-Seed融資

加密貨幣基礎設施和跨境支付服務提供商BRLA Digital宣佈完成了大約60萬美元的Pre-Seed輪融資。這輪融資由前幣安首席財務官Wei Zhou領導的菲律賓交易所Coins領投,還有巴西數字資產投資人Rodrigo Benez等投資者參與。

BRLA Digital已經開發了一種以巴西法定貨幣雷亞爾為錨定的穩定幣BRLA Token。這種穩定幣的目的是幫助企業和普通使用者獲得經濟穩定的加密資產工具。新的融資資金將用於在巴西市場合規運營並構建加密友好的金融基礎設施。
加密貨幣基礎設施及跨境支付服務提供商BRLA Digital完成60萬美元Pre-Seed融資



1. 基礎設施(Infrastructure):指支援加密貨幣和區塊鏈技術運作的基礎結構,包括交易所、錢包、區塊鏈網路等。

2. 穩定幣(Stablecoin):一種以某種資產(如法幣、黃金等)為基礎發行的加密貨幣,旨在保持價值的穩定。

3. BRLA Token:BRLA Digital 開發的雷亞爾錨定的穩定幣,基於巴西幣種雷亞爾。

4. 合規(Compliance):在法律法規和監管要求下運營並符合相關規範的意思。

5. 加密友好(Crypto-friendly):指能夠支援加密貨幣和區塊鏈技術的應用或基礎設施。

6. 跨境支付(Cross-border payment):在不同國家之間進行金錢交易,利用區塊鏈技術可以實現更快速、低成本的跨境支付。

7. Pre-Seed輪融資(Pre-Seed funding):指初創企業在正式種子輪融資之前所獲得的早期融資。

8. 領投(Lead investor):在投資輪中投資金額最大的投資者,通常由其他投資者跟隨投資。



BRLA Digital完成了約60萬美元的Pre-Seed輪融資,並開發了雷亞爾錨定的穩定幣BRLA Token,旨在幫助企業和普通使用者獲得經濟穩定的加密資產機制。這筆新的資金將用於在巴西市場建立合規運營並構建加密友好的金融基礎設施。投資者包括前幣安首席財務官Wei Zhou和巴西數字資產投資人Rodrigo Benez。根據這些資訊,我們可以看出這個訊息對區塊鏈市場是偏多的影響。


How the blockchain will radically transform the economy | Bettina Warburg


@gerarddeclerck3939: "As humans we find ways to lower uncertainty about one another so that we can exchange value" what a profound and encouraging statement!

@imrannazir6931: It does sound interesting and powerful and should help increase trust between individuals. It would be nice to also see a presentation of the potential abuses of the blockchain by governments and financial institutions too.

@rickseeger4871: This is the most concise description of blockchain tech I've seen so far, described as a means for "lowering uncertainty about each other so that we can exchange value". Really well communicated. Thank you!

@jelmestevens2619: Great explanation of why Blockhain will transform our economy. I hope continues her work for the government, because technological innovation is always something in what the government it's lagging behind. In the future I think the whole law system all over the world must change because of this. Maybe blockchain could solute also this problem and will store all the relevant blockchain laws. Hope she could give another TED talk about this subject. Or if she already had did this, please send me the link haha.

@dwachira: I loved it! This presentation has made me even more curious. I see blockchains as the future we cannot ignore. It can be very effective once accepted and adopted.

@marketmark6665: Am really honoured to listen to her,she is inspiring,sharp coupled with simplicity, being able to merge the past and the present ways of doing business/transacting on blockchain.THANK YOU

@obasaar68: I think it is a marvellous idea! I wonder what impact "quantum computing " and/or " general purpose machine learning " will have on blockchain in the future?

加密貨幣基礎設施及跨境支付服務提供商BRLA Digital完成60萬美元Pre-Seed融資

Al智能快訊中心 一幣需BitNeeds


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