Terra幣創始人Do Kwon被捕韓國檢方尋求引渡,美國控刑事欺詐!細數Terra幣風波,Do Kwon為何成重災區?

韓國檢方計畫引渡Terra幣創始人Do Kwon,他昨天在黑山被捕,並今日被美國檢方提起刑事欺詐指控,尋求引渡到美國。


  • Terra幣:一種經濟區塊鏈平臺,使用分散式帳本技術,平臺上的代幣名稱為LUNA。
  • 黑山:一個位於巴爾幹半島東南部的國家。
  • 引渡:指一國政府將在其管轄範圍內的罪犯遷移至另一國家,使該罪犯在另一國家接受審判和/或懲罰。
  • 檢方:檢察官機構,負責對可能違反法律的人士進行調查,並在必要時將其起訴。
  • 刑事欺詐:一種詐騙行為,涉及欺騙他人以獲取財產或其他利益。


long 偏多

根據這篇新聞,Terra幣創始人Do Kwon被捕並面臨引渡到美國接受刑事指控,對區塊鏈市場而言是個不好的訊息。因為Do Kwon是區塊鏈專案Terra的創始人,Terra是一個在全球業務上實現去中心化的銀行,一個受到矚目的區塊鏈專案。Terra幣的創始人被捕以及面臨洗錢的指控,對於區塊鏈市場而言肯定會造成很大的影響。除此之外,此案件將會公開揭露區塊鏈和加密貨幣遭受詐騙和洗錢活動的潛在風險。因此,此新聞無疑會引起市場的恐慌,對市場情感產生負面的影響。


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N1njaSnake: I will forever be grateful to Coffee for introducing me to Patrick's videos. The deadpan trashing of NFTs, coins and other nonsense is so wholesome.

Petri Teittinen: "This at least diversified them away from the two coins that they had made up themselves. They now had reserves containing other coins that other people had made up."

Billie Heeter Ury: What bothers me about this situation is the fact that the news and media are all going about a recession which is understandable due to the war and pandemic but still the same media still publish articles about folks in the same economy pulling off hefty 6figure profit(Averg. 200k in barely 8weeks) in this downtrend how is that possible?

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Brody Alden: Patrick is so Irish, he’s able to make even the most dry, technical and Byzantine machinations of the finance world funny. You’re great P. Thank you!


Terra幣創始人Do Kwon被捕韓國檢方尋求引渡,美國控刑事欺詐!細數Terra幣風波,Do Kwon為何成重災區

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