區塊鏈技術公司 Sui Foundation 指派了前巴克萊資本 (Barclays Capital) 員工、現任經濟學教授 Greg Siourounis 為總經理,以促進去中心化應用的發展,擴大一年的 Sui 區塊鏈的使用者基礎。該公司的目標是建立一個包容性社群,針對企業家、新創公司、企業和政府。Sui Foundation 將繼續提供高達 10 萬美元的補助金給建築商,並分發其原生 SUI 代幣作為補充。他們還將專注於教育社群關於區塊鏈技術的未知優勢。
- Decentralized applications: also known as dApps, refer to applications that run on a decentralized blockchain network rather than a centralized server. They are often open-source and transparent.
- Sui blockchain: a blockchain platform developed by the Sui Foundation that aims to promote inclusivity and decentralization by offering a scalable and user-friendly blockchain solution.
- SUI token: the native token of the Sui blockchain that is used for transactions and as a means of payment within the Sui ecosystem.
- Grants: financial assistance provided by the Sui Foundation to developers and builders who are working on innovative projects using the Sui blockchain.
Greg Siourounis's appointment as managing director highlights the Sui Foundation's commitment to promoting blockchain technology and its benefits to a wider audience, including entrepreneurs, startups, corporates, and governments. As such, the foundation will focus on educating communities about blockchain technology and its potential applications in various industries.
Sui Foundation任命前巴克萊資本員工及經濟學教授Greg Siourounis為董事總經理,以促進去中心化應用的發展和擴大一年前推出的Sui區塊鏈的使用者基礎。目標是培養一個包容性社群,面向企業家、初創企業、公司和政府。Sui基金會將繼續資助最高100,000美元的補助金給建造者,並分發其本地的SUI代幣作為補助。同時,它還將專注於教育公眾關於區塊鏈技術的大多數未知優勢。
根據此新聞分析,這對區塊鏈市場是偏多的訊息。Sui Foundation將為建造者提供更多的資助金,並進一步擴大使用者基礎,以促進去中心化應用的發展。同時,透過教育公眾關於區塊鏈技術的未知優勢,有助於推廣區塊鏈技術的應用和普及。因此,這可以促使區塊鏈市場的進一步發展。
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— Suipiens 🦍💧 (@suipiens) April 17, 2023
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