GemSwap 第二次IFO,4月13日14點開啟。

GemSwap將於4月13日14點開啟第二次IFO,第一次最高漲幅為1000%;其IFO合約是ZkSync Era最安全的合約,合約開源且開發者無法提取超過硬頂部分的金額。GemSwap是一個去中心化的交易所,使用流動性挖礦的方式激勵使用者,持有平臺代幣可以分得平臺協議收入,以ETH形式獲得。目前根據defillama顯示,其TVL 2.7M,市值不到1M



GemSwap將於4月13日14點開啟第二次IFO,第一次最高漲幅為1000%;其IFO合約是ZkSync Era最安全的合約,合約開源且開發者無法提取超過硬頂部分的金額。GemSwap是一個去中心化的交易所,使用流動性挖礦的方式激勵使用者,持有平臺代幣可以分得平臺協議收入,以ETH形式獲得。目前根據defillama顯示,其TVL 2.7M,市值不到1M。

  • IFO:即Initial Farm Offer,指的是一種透過流動性挖礦激勵使用者參與專案初期,取得專案代幣和利潤的形式。
  • ZkSync Era:是一個基於Zk-Rollup的二層解決方案,旨在提高以太坊的吞吐量、降低交易成本和提高交易速度。
  • 合約開源:指的是該合約的程式碼公開且可被任何人檢查和檢視,增加了安全性和信任度,使潛在風險得以減少。
  • 流動性挖礦:是透過提供流動性以支援交易對的交易,以獲取專案代幣作為獎勵的過程,是一種常見的去中心化金融激勵機制。
  • ETH:即以太幣,是Ethereum區塊鏈上的原生加密貨幣,用於支付交易手續費和處理智慧合約等操作。
  • defillama:是一個提供去中心化金融資料的網站,可以檢視各種區塊鏈上的DApp、TVL、市值等資料。
  • TVL:即Total Value Locked,指的是所有在該協議上鎖定的加密資產總值,是衡量一個去中心化金融協議規模和受歡迎程度的指標。


GemSwap即將開啟第二次IFO,基於其第一次的最高漲幅為1000%可以看出市場對於其開始IFO的預期是很高的。此外,其IFO合約是ZkSync Era最安全的合約,合約開源且開發者無法提取超過硬頂部分的金額,這些都是加強市場對GemSwap安全性和可靠性的信心。此外GemSwap是一個去中心化的交易所,其流動性挖礦的方式激勵使用者,且持有平臺代幣可以分得平臺協議收入,以ETH形式獲得,這些都是為GemSwap加油打氣的好訊息。而就目前而言,其TVL只有2.7M,市值也不到1M,所以市場對GemSwap的最終表現還是會持續關注。總體而言,此新聞對於區塊鏈市場是偏多的訊息。



Cheaters Can't Cheat: Fairness Protocol Explained [The value in bitcoin, ethereum, open blockchains]


@aantonop: What do you think of the concept of a Fairness Protocol? Let me know in the comments below. This video has captions in 45 languages. If you know someone who reads a language other than English, share it with them!

@tilde3904: It's crazy how every time this man speaks he leaves a permanent mark on everyone that can truly understand his points.

@magicinternetmoney8715: How one man can explain something so beautifully and poetically is beyond me.

@635574: This is a explanation of historic importance.

@josipmarasovic8782: I wonder how many years in future will it take to make this into something that will be taught in high schools (or even better in elementary schools!), because this kind of explanation needs to be all over the world; animated, podcasted, vlogged...whatever turns your crank - simply share it around. Benefit for whole humanity is so crystal clear and understandable by itself when we follow real WHY behind it all with Andreas here, yet I am afraid it is at the same time so far away from the heads of people burdened by their kids' hospital bills, electricity, massive home loan repayments, no savings, etc. (especially in 2020. now). Anyway, I sincerely hope I helped at least with a YT algorithm here, doing my little tiny part here as well, looking at the birth of new era unfold in front of my eyes... (:

@fcbtim: Andreas, thank you. You have extremely strong mental models, metaphors, analogies that help paint the pictures for understanding.

@wilhelmarchitects9259: Brilliant as usual, keep it up - I hope this goes viral


GemSwap 第二次IFO,4月13日14點開啟。

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