Aleo CEO該專案在Gemini帳戶被關停

6月29日訊息,隱私網路專案Aleo的執行長Alex Pruden表示,該專案在Gemini交易所的賬戶上週被無端關停。Alex評論稱,儘管Aleo已收回賬戶內的資金,但Gemini並未對關停做出任何解釋。這次事件再次證明中心化交易所可以隨意改變是否提供服務的主意,進一步顯示了"不是你的私鑰,就不是你的代幣"。


Cryptocurrency Terminology

Cryptocurrency Terminology

  • Aleo: A cryptocurrency project mentioned in the article.
  • Gemini: A cryptocurrency exchange where Aleo's account was unjustifiably closed.
  • Account: A user's personal space on a cryptocurrency exchange where they can store, trade, and manage their digital assets.
  • Shut down/closed: The action taken by a cryptocurrency exchange to terminate or suspend a user's account, restricting their access to the platform and their digital assets.
  • Funds: The money or cryptocurrency stored in a user's account on a cryptocurrency exchange.
  • Explanation/reason: A statement or clarification provided by a cryptocurrency exchange to justify why they closed a user's account or took certain actions.
  • Centralized service provider: Refers to a cryptocurrency exchange that acts as a central authority, controlling user accounts, transactions, and assets on their platform.
  • Power: The authority or control exerted by a centralized service provider, allowing them to make decisions and changes regarding access to services and assets.
  • Private key: An alphanumeric code that is used to secure and access a user's cryptocurrency wallet. It is unique to each user and provides full control and ownership over the digital assets stored in the wallet.
  • Token: A unit of value or representation of a particular asset on a blockchain network. In this context, it refers to Aleo's digital asset.


根據這篇新聞,Aleo CEO透露該專案在Gemini的賬戶被該交易所無端關停。雖然Aleo已經取回了該賬戶內的資金,但Gemini沒有解釋關停的原因。這再次證明瞭交易所作為中心化服務商的權力,他們可以隨意改變是否提供服務。這也強調了持有自己私鑰的重要性,只有這樣才能完全控制自己的代幣。






@BonnieBlockchain: 派網註冊:

@user-ph3rf5qx5l: 這集真的是在給幣圈持續努力的韭菜一劑很強大的強心針,非常感謝Bonnie和雞哥的分享,看完後感觸真的很深!

@raychengmeta3477: 這集真的很有趣 把自己進來幣圈學到的都做了總結 大神就是大神 希望以後有更多這種影片

@user-vf9wv9ft2z: 邦妮的影片每次都很有振奮人心的感覺,每次都能得到滿滿的乾貨,讓我們繼續在幣圈努力吧

@AJ-mg2ld: 感謝Bonnie這次的談話邀請,希望有更多類似的影片,能讓我們從他們的經驗中學習到一些東西

@ericinema: 雞哥心態跟大局觀不錯 是可以賺錢的人

@blockchaindailynews: 喜歡這集~ Haze哥講的東西可以真正幫助到普通人 <3

Aleo CEO該專案在Gemini帳戶被關停

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