“OpenAI公佈保障AI安全的六個方法” #AI安全 #OpenAI #兒童保護 #隱私保護 #事實準確性

OpenAI在其部落格中釋出題為《Our approach to AI safety》的文章,介紹了六方面的部署措施來確保AI模型的安全性,包括構建越來越安全的AI系統、從實際使用中積累經驗以改善安全措施、保護兒童、尊重隱私、提高事實準確性和持續研究和參與。OpenAI要求使用者必須年滿18週歲或經父母批准才能使用其AI工具,並正在研究驗證選項。OpenAI不允許其技術用於生成仇恨、騷擾、暴力或成人類別的內容,並且阻止兒童性虐待等材料上傳到其圖片工具中等。


AI safety - refers to the measures taken to ensure that AI systems are safe and do not cause harm

OpenAI - a research organization focused on developing and promoting friendly AI for the betterment of humanity

AI model - a mathematical representation of an AI system that is used to make predictions or decisions

Experience-based improvement - a method of continuously improving AI safety by learning from real-world experience

Child protection - measures taken to ensure that AI systems do not harm or exploit children

Privacy protection - measures taken to protect the privacy of individuals whose data is used by AI systems

Factual accuracy - ensuring that AI-generated content is accurate and free from bias and misinformation

Verification options - methods used to verify the identity and age of users of AI tools

Hate speech - speech that attacks or demeans a particular group based on their race, religion, gender, or other characteristics

Harassment - behavior that is intended to annoy, intimidate, or harm someone else

Violence - the use of physical force to cause harm or damage

Adult content - sexually explicit or pornographic material

Child sexual abuse material - images or videos depicting the sexual exploitation of children





【怪盜】ChatGPT AI也玩幣圈?!機器女友如何用人話聊區塊鏈,AI發幣,調戲孫宇晨孫割,openai人工智慧奇點大爆炸,AI未來可期!


帥拉拉的生活雜記: 怪盜好久沒發片了

Sunshine SUEN: 怪盜,這價格是要歸零嗎?重倉fil啊。。。。虧慘了

kenny wang: 這個應用哪裡可以下載

bo sun: 可以搞個微信群。

大西瓜: 體驗地址能發一下嗎?

Gogolook: Fil何時可以回到238U?

xiaofeng jin: 比特幣見底了嗎



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