加州監管機構:Maxpread Technologies 和 Harvest Keeper 非法銷售證券並欺騙投資者
美國加州監管機構表示,Maxpread Technologies和Harvest Keeper出售未經許可的證券並誤導投資者,聲稱他們將透過使用人工智慧交易加密貨幣來產生鉅額回報。
【加州監管機構:Maxpread Technologies和Harvest Keeper出售未經許可的證券並誤導投資者】報道,美國加州監管機構表示,Maxpread Technologies和Harvest Keeper出售未經許可的證券並誤導投資者,聲稱他們將透過使用人工智慧交易加密貨幣來產生鉅額回報。
- Maxpread Technologies: 這是一家被指控出售未經許可的證券和欺騙投資者的公司。
- Harvest Keeper: 這是另一家被指控出售未經許可的證券和欺騙投資者的公司。
- 人工智慧交易: 在加密貨幣領域,人工智慧交易是指使用機器學習和人工智慧技術來分析市場資料和趨勢,以便自動執行交易策略。它可以根據預定的引數和條件執行交易,並以此來獲得高回報。
- 加密貨幣: 也稱為加密貨幣,是一種使用加密技術來保護和驗證交易的數字貨幣。最著名的加密貨幣是比特幣,但現在有許多其他種類的加密貨幣也被建立和交易。
- 證券: 在金融領域,證券是一種可以用來投資和交易的金融資產,例如股票、債券、期權等。證券可以表示對企業、政府或其他實體的所有權或債務。
- 回報: 在投資中,回報是指投資所獲得的利潤或回報率。它通常用於衡量投資的成功和效益。
- Maxpread Technologies: This is a company accused of selling unregistered securities and deceiving investors.
- Harvest Keeper: This is another company accused of selling unregistered securities and deceiving investors.
- Artificial Intelligence Trading: In the field of cryptocurrency, artificial intelligence trading refers to the use of machine learning and artificial intelligence techniques to analyze market data and trends in order to automatically execute trading strategies. It can execute trades based on predetermined parameters and conditions, aiming to achieve high returns.
- Cryptocurrency: Also known as digital currency, cryptocurrency is a type of currency that uses cryptographic techniques to secure and verify transactions. The most well-known cryptocurrency is Bitcoin, but now there are many other types of cryptocurrencies being created and traded.
- Securities: In the financial field, securities are financial assets that can be invested in and traded, such as stocks, bonds, options, etc. Securities can represent ownership or debt in a company, government, or other entity.
- Returns: In investing, returns refer to the profits or returns gained from an investment. It is often used to measure the success and benefits of an investment.
根據加州監管機構的指控,Maxpread Technologies和Harvest Keeper在區塊鏈市場上被指控涉嫌出售未經許可的證券並欺騙投資者。這兩家公司聲稱可以透過使用人工智慧交易加密貨幣來實現高回報。此訊息暗示著市場對區塊鏈有著偏空的看法,因為加州監管機構的指控顯示出一些不法行為和詐騙行為存在。此外,這樣的指控可能對整個區塊鏈市場造成負面影響,進一步加深投資者對市場的懷疑和謹慎。因此,根據這篇新聞,我們可以認為該新聞對區塊鏈市場是偏空的。
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