
根據Lookonchain監測,MicroStrategy持有的158,245枚BTC (54億美元) 產生了約7.46億美元的未實現利潤。自2022年5月以來,MicroStrategy已以平均價格25,707美元購買了28,560枚BTC(7.34億美元),這使其平均購買價格降至29,582美元。


Cryptocurrency Terminology

Cryptocurrency Terminology

  • MicroStrategy: MicroStrategy is a business intelligence and software company that has made significant investments in Bitcoin.
  • Bitcoin: Bitcoin is a decentralized digital currency that enables instant payments to anyone, anywhere in the world. It was created in 2009 by an unknown person using the name Satoshi Nakamoto.
  • Value: In the context of cryptocurrency, value refers to the market price or worth of a particular digital currency, such as Bitcoin.
  • Realized Profit: Realized profit is the profit that is actually earned or obtained from the sale of an asset, in this case, Bitcoin.
  • Unrealized Profit: Unrealized profit is the potential profit that exists on paper but has not been realized or converted into actual cash by selling the asset, in this case, Bitcoin.
  • Average Purchase Price: The average purchase price is the average cost at which an asset, in this case, Bitcoin, was acquired over a certain period of time.




【 志祺七七 】「區塊鏈」≠ 「比特幣」!區塊鏈的運作原理到底是什麼?《生難字彙大辭海》EP 028


@__austintheshiba3325: 幫大家簡單講:一個區塊就是把一段時間裡所有的交易紀錄都寫到一張紙上,不管紙寫的多滿時間過後都不能再寫,只能換下一張紙,一張一張累積,然後把一張紙的頭尾跟上下一張紙黏住,就是區塊鏈了

@yi-jiuntang6236: 好佩服這集寫文的編輯大大

@billhsu8572: 身為區塊鏈研究員,點進來前想說大概又是一個講的不怎麼樣的跟風仔。聽完後覺得沒什麼可以挑剔的地方,觀念正確,整體邏輯清晰易懂,值得讚許

@rin_9979: 區塊鍊保障是「無法竄改」而非「對錯」,一開始的正確性還是得由中心化單位定義。

@rainlag: 區塊練最大的價值其實是在共識機制,很適合用在各種民主政府體改制的先驅實驗,至於相關廠商如何利用它來營利,除了在衍生的虛擬幣上搞一堆交易所和OTC場外交易來割韭菜,還真的沒有什麼突破

@annalin1869: A, B 謝謝你們,這麼努力讓我們跟上時代!

@acec: D. 講的清楚好理解(但我本來就是有在研究的人, 比較難有參考性)


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