「創辦人Irene Zhao的SO-COL完成450萬美元融資,推出Web3社交平臺!」 #SO-COL #NFT #社交平臺 #DWFLabs #去中心化

Web3 社交平臺 SO-COL 完成了由 DWF Labs 提供的 450 萬美元新一輪融資,這是 Irene Zhao 創辦的平臺繼 2022 年的種子輪融資之後的新動向。SO-COL 平臺是一個去中心化的替代品,旨在幫助創作者發行 NFT,類似 DiscordSnapshotOnlyFans


  1. Web3: the third generation of the World Wide Web, characterized by decentralized, blockchain-based technology.
  2. NFT: non-fungible token, a unique digital asset that is verified on a blockchain and cannot be replicated.
  3. DWF Labs: a venture capital firm specializing in blockchain technology investments.
  4. Seed round: the first round of funding for a startup company.
  5. Decentralized: a system or platform that is not controlled by a central authority, but instead is powered by a network of users.
  6. Discord: a communication platform commonly used by gamers and communities.
  7. Snapshot: a decentralized governance platform used for voting on proposals and decisions in blockchain-based projects.
  8. OnlyFans: a subscription-based content creation platform where creators can monetize their content.


Web3 社交平臺 SO-COL 完成了 450 萬美元新一輪融資,這一訊息對區塊鏈市場來說是區塊鏈市場偏多的訊息。longSO-COL 平臺致力於幫助創作者發行 NFT,這種新興的市場正在逐漸成長,而 SO-COL 的融資成功,表明了市場對於此種新興產業的看好程度,此舉有望提振整個 NFT 空間的發展。SO-COL 的去中心化模式也符合區塊鏈市場的潮流,因此此次融資將對整個區塊鏈市場帶來一定的正面影響。


「創辦人Irene Zhao的SO-COL完成450萬美元融資,推出Web3社交平臺!」

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