Coinbase CEO:交易加密貨幣不需SEC註冊

Coinbase執行長Brian Armstrong接受採訪時表示,美國將來會有清晰的加密貨幣監管,且這是吸引企業家迴歸美國的關鍵。最近,SEC對Coinbase提起訴訟,指責其在未註冊的情況下經營證券交易所、經紀自營商和清算所。然而,Armstrong認為Coinbase交易的是加密商品(commodities),因此並不需要SEC在訴訟中提及的多項註冊。除此之外,Coinbase密切跟進其他牌照的可能性以及被SEC規管經紀自營商保留許可證,但因某些原因無法使用。
Coinbase CEO:交易加密貨幣不需SEC註冊


Coinbase CEO Brian Armstrong expressed that the US will ultimately achieve cryptocurrency regulation, which will help attract entrepreneurs back to the US. The recent SEC lawsuit against Coinbase alleges that Coinbase operated a securities exchange without registering with the SEC. Armstrong explained that Coinbase trades in cryptocurrency commodities, which do not require such registration. He also stated that Coinbase has been trying to activate other licenses, but the SEC has not allowed them.

Here are some of the cryptocurrency professional terms mentioned in the article:

1. Cryptocurrency: a digital or virtual form of currency that uses cryptography for security.

2. Regulation: the process of creating and enforcing rules and laws governing a certain industry or activity.

3. SEC: the Securities and Exchange Commission, a US government agency responsible for regulating the securities industry.

4. Suit: a legal proceeding initiated by one party against another in a civil case.

5. Securities exchange: a market where securities are bought and sold.

6. Commodities: goods or raw materials traded on a market.

7. License: permission given by a government or regulatory authority to engage in a certain activity or business.


Coinbase的CEO Brian Armstrong表示,美國最終將實現加密貨幣監管,這對於吸引企業家回歸美國市場有助益。儘管SEC向Coinbase提起訴訟,指控其未向SEC註冊就經營證券交易所等業務,但Armstrong解釋稱,Coinbase交易的是加密商品,並非證券,因此不需要註冊。他還表示,Coinbase一直在努力啟用其他牌照,但SEC不允許。從這份新聞來看,整體而言偏多,因為Brian Armstrong對於美國加密貨幣監管的看法比較樂觀,並期待著更多資本進入市場,推動市場發展。因此,在本文的結尾,會附上long的圖片。


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@user-hw9fw2ge9w: 希望世界可以多一些善良的人掌權

@user-oj4ci7cy8l: 回很喜歡看D大的影片是因為每次D大都可以用更高的維度去分析事情,謝謝D大

@BonnieBlockchain: 支援D大!繼續加倉!

@oscar437: D大,unregistered security 是「未註冊的證券」,跟債券是completely different thing.

@user-qx3rs7xu1u: 美國要打中國人民幣的流動性。 我很多客戶錢是在錢卡在人民幣轉不出來的、但靠加密貨幣是可以讓人民幣增加流動性的,以香港為媒介、所以美國這樣是要鞏固美元地位。 加密貨幣只是掃到颱風尾

@gash8633: 看了鍾文澤體驗apple vision 後的影片,真的挺興奮的,不過也不會衝首發,畢竟太貴了而且科技產品確實是會越來越便宜

@bboysoon01: vision pro 對創業來說絕對是藍海,未來會衍伸出相關行業及公司,我認為 AI 若能協助3D建模,就像 google map 實景建立在裡面,會完全改變人類的社會結構和商業模式

Coinbase CEO:交易加密貨幣不需SEC註冊

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