Nifty News:”肥胖企鵝”與WME簽約,Bitblox開發Web3賭博遊戲等等…
NFT項目Pudgy Penguins與好萊塢重量級經紀公司威廉·莫里斯·恩德夫(WME)簽署代表協議,旨在將其知識產權擴展到電影、電視和遊戲中。Pudgy Penguins是第21個最高銷售的NFT項目。該項目已逐步發展出一個關於項目的Web3生態系統和社區,並已採取一些行動將知識產權推出到主流市場,例如在3月底推出擁有真實性證書和以太坊記錄的Pudgy Penguin人物公仔。同樣,NFT遊戲工作室Bitblox於Solana區塊鏈上推出了一系列Web3賭博遊戲,該公司致力於建立基於技能和速度的玩家對玩家(P2P)遊戲,該遊戲在區塊鏈提供更多透明度。對於那些不熟悉編程的創作者,NFT基礎設施和生態系統開發商Palm NFT Studio推出了一個新的工具Palm Generative Art Maker,可以製作生成的“遊戲就緒” 3D資產和藝術收藏。最後,NFT初創企業Cryptoys宣布即將在Flow區塊鏈上推出Star Wars數字玩具,包括不同等級的稀有度。肯尼亞的立法者正在考慮對加密和NFT轉移徵收3%的稅和對網上內容收取15%的稅。
- Intellectual property: Refers to creations of the mind, such as inventions, literary and artistic works, designs, symbols, and names, used in commerce.
Web3: A term used to describe the next generation of the internet, where users have more control over their data and interactions and where decentralized technologies such as blockchain are more prominent.
Solana: A blockchain platform designed for high-speed transactions and decentralized apps (dApps).
Hxro Network: A decentralized prediction platform built on the Solana blockchain, where users can predict the outcome of events and earn rewards.
P2P: Refers to transactions or interactions that occur directly between two individuals without the need for intermediaries such as banks or corporations. -
NFT: Non-fungible tokens, unique digital assets that are stored on a blockchain and verified as authentic.
Palm NFT Studio: A platform that allows creators to mint, sell, and display NFTs through an app on their phone.
Epic Games: Creator of the popular video game Fortnite and owner of the Unreal Engine, a software development platform used to create games and other interactive experiences.
Generative: Refers to algorithms or processes that produce a unique output each time they are run, creating endless variations of the same design.
Game-ready: Refers to 3D assets that are optimized for use in video games. -
Blockchain: A distributed ledger technology that enables secure and transparent transactions without the need for intermediaries.
Cryptoys: A platform that creates and sells digital collectibles using blockchain technology.
Flow: A blockchain platform designed for games and digital collectibles, created by the team behind CryptoKitties.
Blind box: Refers to a type of collectible product where the contents are unknown, creating an element of surprise and driving up demand. -
Tax: A mandatory payment to the government on income, goods, or services.
Crypto: Short for cryptocurrency, a digital asset designed to work as a medium of exchange.
NFT transfers: Refers to the movement of non-fungible tokens from one wallet to another.
Monetized online content: Refers to content created for the purpose of generating revenue, such as ads, sponsored posts, or paid subscriptions. - Insider trading: The trading of stocks or other securities based on material, non-public information that is not available to the general public.
Josie Bellini: A digital artist who creates NFTs.
Upload her brain: Refers to the concept of uploading one's consciousness or mind into a computer or digital form, a popular topic in science fiction.
Pudgy Penguins已經與William Morris Endeavor簽署代表協議,希望將其知識產權廣泛應用於影視、遊戲領域。Bitblox推出了建立在Solana Hxro網絡上的Web3博彩遊戲,旨在針對技巧和速度建立的玩家對玩家(P2P)遊戲。Palm NFT Studio通過Epic Games的Unreal Engine推出了一個新工具,使創作者更輕鬆地創建可生成“遊戲就緒”的3D資產和藝術網絡。Cryptoys在Flow區塊鏈上宣布推出Star Wars數字收藏品,以隨機分級的“盲盒”形式,每個售價為$39.99。肯尼亞的立法者正在考慮對加密和NFT轉移徵收3%的稅收,以及對線上內容的盈利徵收15%的稅收。同時,一位OpenSea前經理被指控非法交易NFT,最終在紐約聯邦法院被判有罪。在這種情況下,NFT創作者Josie Bellini表達了她想上傳她的大腦,以便永遠在NFT藝術中生活的慾望。綜合來看,這份文章的消息偏多。
NFT是什麼?| 區塊鏈小百科:關於非同質化代幣 (NFT)你一定要知道的10件事
💎 Finally, #Moovy #NFTs are available on @OpenSea #Marketplace! 🚨
These NFTs are containing a key to a randomly generated #NFT car with varying rarity and type!#Moovy - a #Drive2Earn app. Buy #NFT, drive and earn $MGAS.👇 Join the sale on #Opensea:
— Moovy (@moovy_io) May 5, 2023
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