
Spot On Chain監測,某巨鯨(涉嫌操縱TRB)於33分鐘前向幣安存入10萬TRB(約320萬美元),以31.99美元的價格。該巨鯨目前持有44萬枚TRB(佔總供應量的18%),並估計獲利為672萬美元。


  • TRB: CRYPTO-- Refers to an abbreviation for the cryptocurrency Tokenized Researcher Badge.
  • 巨鯨: CRYPTO-- Known as a "whale" in English, it refers to an individual or entity who holds a large amount of a particular cryptocurrency.
  • 幣安: CRYPTO-- Refers to Binance, one of the prominent cryptocurrency exchanges in the world.
  • 操縱: CRYPTO-- In the context of cryptocurrencies, "manipulation" refers to the act of artificially influencing the price or market behavior of a specific cryptocurrency for personal gain.
  • 總供應量: CRYPTO-- The total supply of a cryptocurrency refers to the maximum number of coins or tokens that will ever exist in circulation.
  • 獲利: CRYPTO-- In the context of cryptocurrencies, "profit" refers to the monetary gain obtained from the buying and selling of cryptocurrencies or the increase in value of a particular cryptocurrency.
  • 美元: CRYPTO-- The US dollar is a fiat currency often used as a reference currency for valuing cryptocurrencies and conducting cryptocurrency transactions.


巨鯨在33分鐘前將10萬TRB存入幣安,引發市場對於TRB價格操縱的嫌疑,目前巨鯨仍持有440,908 TRB,約佔總供應量的18%,預計獲利達到672萬美元。根據此情報來看,市場偏多的可能性較高。




@lcps666333222: 一般人還是認真工作實在

@opopopww: 我有個朋友加入後賠了3000萬 後來燒炭自殺連女兒跟老婆都一起帶走,每天債主找上門騷擾鄰居,警察來了也沒用

@selenayang1841: 有人大賺,一定有人大賠吃土吐血

@user-rf2op8yx9e: 是剛好吃到21年大牛市 幣市股市一樣賺 但是在22年就 GG了

@tims159753963: 可是他沒有講到為什麼他一開始比特幣的數量會一直變多

@yang1343: 現在熊市 看一堆傻hi過來嘲諷dodo 真的是無知很恐怖

@Matrixlin: 大神還好嗎!?


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