Uranium Finance攻擊者轉移530枚ETH至Tornado Cash

「Uranium Finance攻擊者將530枚ETH轉至Tornado Cash」資料

根據PeckShield Alert的訊息,Uranium Finance攻擊者已將530枚以太幣(約100萬美元)轉移到Tornado Cash。今天早上,Uranium Finance攻擊者還將近100萬枚USDC從BNB Chain跨鏈到以太坊鏈。



  • Uranium Finance: Uranium Finance 是一個加密貨幣專案,旨在提供去中心化金融(DeFi)服務,如借貸、交易和收益的最大化。
  • 攻擊者: 一個未經授權的人或實體,試圖入侵和破壞加密貨幣專案的安全性和功能的人。
  • ETH: Ethereum(以太坊)的加密貨幣代幣,是以太坊區塊鏈的基礎貨幣。
  • USD: 美元(United States Dollar)的代幣形式。
  • Tornado Cash: Tornado Cash 是一個隱私增強工具,旨在為以太坊的交易提供混淆和匿名性。它使用零知識證明技術以保護使用者的身份和資金隱私。
  • BNB Chain: 幣安鏈(Binance Chain)是幣安交易所基於 Tendermint 鏈碼架構開發的公鏈技術,具有高度安全性、高效性和易用性。
  • 去中心化金融(DeFi): 去中心化金融(Decentralized Finance,簡稱 DeFi)是基於區塊鏈技術建立的金融系統,旨在實現去中心化的金融交易和服務,而不依賴於傳統的金融機構。


這則新聞報導了Uranium Finance遭受攻擊的相關訊息,攻擊者已成功轉移了攻擊所獲的530枚ETH(約100萬美元)至Tornado Cash,並且還在之前將近100萬枚USDC從BNB Chain成功跨鏈至以太坊鏈。這意味著區塊鏈市場可能面臨著一些風險和不確定性,因為攻擊事件顯示了區塊鏈平臺的安全漏洞,可能會讓人們對區塊鏈技術產生疑慮。因此,根據這則新聞的內容來看,對區塊鏈市場的未來發展來說,可以說是偏空的。



“The US Dollar Is Under ATTACK From WASHINGTON!” | Rick Rule & Mike Maloney


@Goldsilver: If you would like more info on Rick's upcoming conference (which looks great by the way), please visit: Rick Rule's conference:

@hakana.5297: This is one of the best interviews Rick Rule has ever had. 2 GOATS together

@caitlynw.2524: Hi Mike what a nice surprise having Rick Rule on too I’ve been listening to you both for years imo you’re both a mountain of knowledge I’ve learned much from both of you guys thanks so much for keeping us up to date on these economic times we’re facing these days 🩷

@Jeremex67: Mike's face when Rick said that "OIL" is the best investment for the short-term near future was priceless

@tstilley1000: Two of the most respectful guys I just love

@jayjones7776: Two great legends. I’m fanning out, the real money players (the OG’s of real money) have become full blown celebrities of today. I study and watch these two religiously. Thanks for the upload.

@thomasskelton1555: Mike, thank you for this conversation w Mr Rick Rule. Enjoyed the whole discussion. Two of my favorites meanwhile

Uranium Finance攻擊者轉移530枚ETH至Tornado Cash

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