
英國央行副行長Jon Cunliffe在年度創新金融全球峰會上表示,英格蘭銀行計劃限制用於支付的穩定幣,並將在年底前就此進行諮詢。新規則將監管穩定幣,要求其具有法定貨幣、票面價值和按需贖回等特點,但不會獲得破產保護。新規則將遵循國際清算銀行支付和市場基礎設施委員會以及國際證券委員會組織去年制定的原則。



  • Stablecoin: A type of cryptocurrency designed to maintain a stable value in relation to another asset or basket of assets, such as a fiat currency or a commodity.
  • Regulation: Rules and guidelines set by government authorities or industry organizations to supervise and govern the operation of a particular market, entity or activity, such as cryptocurrency trading or stablecoin issuance.
  • Legal tender: Any form of payment recognized by law as acceptable for settling a debt or obligation, such as an official currency issued by a government.
  • Face value: The nominal value of a currency or security, as stated on its face or front side, without taking into account any additional factors that may affect its value.
  • Redemption: The process of exchanging a security, such as a bond or a stablecoin, for its underlying asset or currency at a specified rate or time.
  • Bankruptcy protection: A legal status granted to individuals or companies that are unable to repay their debts or meet their financial obligations, allowing them to restructure or discharge their debts without being seized or liquidated by creditors.
  • Payment: The act of transferring value from one party to another, often in exchange for goods or services.
  • Market infrastructure: The underlying systems, processes, and institutions that facilitate the trading, settlement, and clearance of financial transactions, such as stock exchanges, payment networks, and clearinghouses.
  • International Settlement and Market Infrastructure Committee (CPMI): A global standard-setting body under the Bank for International Settlements (BIS) that develops policies and best practices for payment, clearing, and settlement systems.
  • International Organization of Securities Commissions (IOSCO): A global association of securities regulators that works to promote and improve the standards of securities regulation and enforcement worldwide.


  • Stablecoin: 穩定幣,是一種加密貨幣,旨在與其他資產或資產組合(例如法定貨幣或商品)保持穩定的價值。
  • Regulation: 監管,是由政府當局或行業組織制定的規則和指導方針,以監督和管理特定市場、實體或活動的運作,例如加密貨幣交易或穩定幣發行。
  • Legal tender: 法定貨幣,是法律承認的任何對償還債務或義務的形式的付款,例如政府發行的官方貨幣。
  • Face value:面值,是一種貨幣或證券的名義值,如其正面或正面所示,不考慮可能影響其價值的任何其他因素。
  • Redemption: 贖回,是將證券(例如債券或穩定幣)按指定利率或時間與其基礎資產或貨幣進行交換的過程。
  • Bankruptcy protection: 破產保護,是授予個人或公司的法律地位,以確保其即使無法償還債務或履行財務義務也能重組或解除債務,而不受債權人的攻擊或清算。
  • Payment: 付款,是將價值從一方轉移給另一方的行為,通常是為了交換商品或服務。
  • Market infrastructure: 市場基礎設施,指促進金融交易進行交易、結算和清算的底層系統、流程和機構,例如股票交易所、支付網路和清算所。
  • International Settlement and Market Infrastructure Committee (CPMI): 國際清算銀行支付和市場基礎設施委員會(CPMI),是國際清算銀行(BIS)下的一個全球標準制定機構,制定支付、清算和結算系統的政策和最佳實踐。
  • International Organization of Securities Commissions (IOSCO): 國際證券委員會(IOSCO)是證券監管機構的一個全球聯盟,致力於促進和改善全球證券監管和執法標準。


英國央行副行長Jon Cunliffe宣佈,英格蘭銀行計劃限制用於支付的穩定幣並將進行諮詢,新規則將監管穩定幣,要求其具有法定貨幣、票面價值和按需贖回等特點。此舉可能會對區塊鏈市場產生負面影響,因為穩定幣通常被視為區塊鏈市場的主要動力之一。然而,監管有助於促進市場發展,因為它提供了更穩定、安全的交易環境。綜合來看,新聞對區塊鏈市場的影響並不明顯,因此可以認為其對區塊鏈市場是持平的。


E6 穩定幣入門. 十分鐘帶你瞭解穩定幣. What is Stablecoins



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