

8月2日訊息,演演算法 Stablecoin MIM 發行方 Abracadabra 社群釋出新提案,擬對 CRV cauldrons 進行利率調整。提案指出,鑑於協議當前面臨較大的 CRV 風險敞口,提議將抵押品基準(collateral-based)利率應用於兩個 CRV cauldrons。由此,CRV 抵押品的利率將包含一個基準利率,該基準利率取決於兩個 CRV cauldrons 未償還本金之和。而實際利率將由基準利率和利率乘數結合產生。利率乘數則取決於 cauldrons 的抵押比率。

該提議的效果是,所有利息將直接從 cauldrons 的抵押品中扣除,並立即轉移到協議的金庫中,以增加 DAO 的儲備係數,進而降低與 CRV 相關流動性條件相關的 DAO 風險。



  • Stablecoin: A cryptocurrency pegged to a stable asset, such as a fiat currency or commodity, to minimize price volatility.
  • MIM: The stablecoin "Magic Internet Money" (MIM) is a decentralized cryptocurrency issued by Abracadabra, designed to maintain a stable value through algorithmic mechanisms.
  • Abracadabra: The issuer of MIM stablecoin, a decentralized protocol for stablecoin issuance and lending.
  • CRV: The cryptocurrency Curve Finance (CRV) is a governance token and utility token used in the decentralized exchange platform.
  • Abra Caddabra: In the context of this proposal, Abra Caddabra refers to a product offered by Abracadabra that allows users to stake MIM and earn CRV rewards.
  • Interest Rate: The amount charged or paid as interest on a borrowed or lent sum of money. In this proposal, the interest rate is adjusted based on the collateralization ratio of the CRV cauldrons.
  • Cauldrons: Refers to the lending pools or vaults in the Abracadabra protocol where users can deposit their collateral and borrow assets.
  • Collateralization Ratio: The ratio of the value of the collateral to the value of the borrowed assets. It determines the level of risk in lending and borrowing.
  • Multiplier: A factor used to adjust the base interest rate based on the collateralization ratio. It determines the additional interest charged or paid based on the risk associated with the cauldrons.
  • DAO: Decentralized Autonomous Organization. It refers to a governance model where decisions are made collectively by the token holders.
  • Reserve Ratio: The reserve ratio represents the percentage of a stablecoin's total supply backed by reserves held in a treasury or vault. Increasing the reserve ratio reduces the risk associated with the stablecoin.


Abracadabra提出的新提案是調整CRV抵押借貸的利率。該提案將基於抵押比率應用於CRV cauldrons,以解決目前的風險敞口問題。新的利率將由基準利率和利率乘數結合產生,並將利息直接從抵押品中扣除轉移到協議的金庫中,以增加DAO的儲備係數並降低與CRV相關的流動性條件風險。根據這個提案,我們判斷區塊鏈市場是偏多的。





@user-do4ml5fq3v: D大的 YT 真正有料 ,不演戲、不作秀

@Chris-pq4hn: D大團長真的很實在

@DONDONxudot3: 質量很高的YT估且不論大家的持倉都是什麼願意分享就是好事

@mlsyra84621: 我跟你相反ADA我是從18年~19年瘋狂買 當時熊市我就看好這個生態團隊一直有在做事某一面ADA當年讓我看到16~17年XRP的身影 基於有在XRP身上嫖到的心態 當時甚至一度買到超過我總投資額的50%XD 比BTC還多 22年之後到現在剩不到10%的ADA 嫖到後我都會變保守型(俗辣XD)基本上不會再持續加碼進場而是剩下利滾利

@jonglee9407: 讚 就想看這類投資組合介紹的影片!!!

@eeans1717: 觀念真好 讚!!

@trashvideos520: 請問你都是使用什麼樣的工具追蹤自己的績效與持倉比例的呢?謝謝回答!


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