「The Block個人調整,Larry Cermak接任CEO著眼於增盈和縮減團隊規模!」 #加密市場 #TheBlock #CEO #精簡團隊 #新聞

Larry Cermak正式晉升為The Block的CEO,致力於提高公司的盈利並精簡團隊規模。他認為目前的加密貨幣市場與五年前不同,The Block需要調整以更快地適應市場波動。未來,該公司仍會投入研究、資料和新聞以確保提供高質量的內容。此外,加密做市商Wintermute的創始人兼CEO,Evgeny Gaevoy也加入了The Block的董事會。該公司將繼續追求創新和卓越的表現,以滿足加密貨幣市場和讀者的需求。


Larry Cermak is named the new CEO of The Block. He plans to focus on increasing profitability and streamlining the team size. He believes the current cryptocurrency market is different from five years ago, and The Block needs to adjust to adapt to market fluctuations faster. The company will continue to invest in research, data, and news to ensure high-quality content. Additionally, Evgeny Gaevoy, the founder and CEO of cryptocurrency market maker, Wintermute, has joined The Block's board of directors.

  • cryptocurrency: a digital or virtual currency that uses cryptography for security.
  • The Block: a media and research brand that provides news, analysis and other services to the cryptocurrency and blockchain space.
  • CEO: Chief Executive Officer, the highest-ranking executive in a company who is responsible for overall management and decision-making.
  • profitability: the ability of a company to generate profit or financial gain.
  • team size: the number of people working in a company or organization.
  • market fluctuations: the rise and fall of prices in the market.
  • research: the systematic investigation into and study of materials and sources in order to establish facts and reach new conclusions.
  • data: information that is collected and analyzed.
  • news: newly received or noteworthy information about recent events.
  • board of directors: a group of individuals who are elected to represent shareholders and establish policies for a company.
  • cryptography: the practice of secure communication in the presence of third parties.


The Block的新任CEO Larry Cermak將持續投資於區塊鏈研究、資料和新聞,並且致力於提高企業盈利和精簡團隊規模。此外,加密做市商Wintermute的創始人兼執行長Evgeny Gaevoy也加入The Block的董事會。雖然對於加密市場的環境,Cermak感到現在和5年前已經有所不同,因此需要進行更快的調整以適應它的波動。綜上所述,此新聞對區塊鏈市場的偏多程度較高。



Vol.112 What exactly is blockchain?


@edward17829991: 你們整理得很直觀又很好理解

@lihuazhong169: 很多以前聽過的科普都期待你再講一遍。雖然你講的不深。但是附上的圖文總是更讓人理解。

@JCKT: 這應該是我看過最完整的區塊鏈解說了!超愛

@kimroc984: 作為開發區塊鏈的從業者,覺得這期科譜很硬核。

@max60213: 天啊 在看了一堆解釋區塊鏈的影片之後,這部是唯一看得懂也解釋的最詳細的 !!

@__austintheshiba3325: 其實就是把一段時間內的所有交易紀錄寫在一張紙上(稱為區塊)然後重複操作並貼在上一張紙上

@lawrenceluo3365: 純門外漢聽眾的我覺得這期節目已經是在諸多區塊鏈科普影片中講的特別清晰易懂的


「The Block個人調整,Larry Cermak接任CEO著眼於增盈和縮減團隊規模!」

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