
【數字資產銀行Sygnum宣佈與Float合作推出私人債務資產代幣】報道,數字資產銀行Sygnum宣佈與斯德哥爾摩的一家資本即服務公司Float合作推出一種創新型私人債務資產代幣。歐洲最大的金融科技信貸基金之一Fasanara Capital擔任高階貸款人。投資者權利得到瑞士DLT法律框架的充分認可和遵守。該公司預計到2030年,代幣化私人債務市場預計價值3.5萬億美元

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1. 數字資產 (Digital Assets): 數字資產是指在區塊鏈或其他分散式賬本技術上存在的資產。這可以包括加密貨幣、代幣、數字證券等。

2. 銀行 (Bank): 銀行是指提供金融服務並管理資金的機構。數字資產銀行是指專門為數字資產持有者提供金融服務和管理數字資產的銀行機構。

3. 資本市場 (Capital Market): 資本市場是指進行長期融資和投資的市場,包括股票交易所、債券市場和其他資本工具交易市場。

4. 資本即服務 (Capital-as-a-Service): 資本即服務是指透過網際網路或技術平臺以服務的方式向企業或個人提供資金融資的模式。

5. 代幣化 (Tokenization): 代幣化是指將實物資產或權益透過區塊鏈技術轉化為相應的代幣形式。這樣可以實現資產的可分割、可流通、去中介化等特性。

6. 私人債務 (Private Debt): 私人債務是指由私人股東、公司或機構之間直接發生的借貸關係,不涉及公開市場融資。

7. 代幣化私人債務 (Tokenized Private Debt): 代幣化私人債務是指將私人債務透過區塊鏈技術轉化為代幣形式,以便於交易和管理。

8. DLT法律框架 (DLT Legal Framework): DLT是分散式賬本技術的縮寫,DLT法律框架是指為了規範和監管分散式賬本技術的使用而制定的法律和政策框架。

9. 投資者權益 (Investor Rights): 投資者權益是指投資者在投資活動中擁有的權益和保護,包括經濟利益和投票權。

10. 代幣化私人債務市場 (Tokenized Private Debt Market): 代幣化私人債務市場是指透過區塊鏈技術進行交易和流通的私人債務市場。

11. 加密貨幣 (Cryptocurrency): 加密貨幣是指以密碼學技術保護交易安全並控制貨幣供應量的數字貨幣。比特幣是最早的加密貨幣之一。

12. DLT (Distributed Ledger Technology): 分散式賬本技術是指一種去中心化的資料庫技術,透過多個參與方共同維護和更新賬本的副本,提高資料的安全性和透明度。

13. 代幣 (Token): 代幣是指基於區塊鏈技術發行的數字資產,代表一定的權益或使用權。代幣可以是加密貨幣、數字證券或其他功能性代幣。

14. 數字證券 (Digital Securities): 數字證券是以數字形式存在的金融工具,例如股票、債券、證券化產品等。使用區塊鏈技術可以提高數字證券的流通性和交易效率。

15. 代幣化私人債務市場的市場價值 (Market Value of Tokenized Private Debt Market): 代幣化私人債務市場的市場價值是指該市場上全部代幣化私人債務的總價值。預計到2030年,該市場的價值將達到3.5萬億美元。





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@CharlesjHarris770: Not all bears market operates in the same way. So many are led to believe that BTC has to operate perfectly on a four year cycle that any mention of the words "bear" seem to automatically mean falling prices and an accumulation phase that lasts 2-3 years. As we have showed, it is more complicated than a simple four year cycle that can be repeated every four years from now until all the supply has been released. There are much more complications than some would have you believe. In this video we just stick to the data, not appealing to the emotions of those who choose to ignore it. Let the market do its thing and have a long time horizon. I buy and just trade long term more than ever, I have made over 16` btc from day trading with Craig Reeder Crypto in few weeks this is one of the best medium to backup your assets incase it goes bearish. Technical analysis is my second language

@pummyy: If you cannot explain something simple enough for everyone to understand, then you have not understood it well enough. Great video.

@atwash1017: You do an amazing job explaining things! I’ve fallen into a hole with four videos because it’s so easily understood. Awesome job!

@walterjones7212: Before I retired 3years ago I challenged myself to put away 50% of my monthly income into stocks which is quite easy since I lived frugal without debt.I work as an account executive,and I make over $200,800.$100,000 goes into dividends and the other $100,000 goes to my living expenses, I am seeing improvements in my portfolio, dividends look certain,but I have to attribute this to only guidance of a licensed wealth strategist who allocates funds to a plenitude of assets, I have to stay discipline and remember that I am in this for a long term,recently got my first property and looking forward to get another soon.good luck everyone and thanks for the wonderful video

@thelastexpress4270: Dude you've explained this so well! I've search many sources before and couldn't grasp the concept. You used visual guides excellently as well! I only understand now thanks to you!

@carl___________: Great video, thank you for breaking down this complex concept into a simple and understandable explanation. May God bless you man

@mymaninchampagne: At last, an understandable explanation of blockchain with clear, simple and yet informative illustrations and commentary. Thank you


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