
Kraken創始人Jesse Powell對投資FTX的風險投資公司表示憤怒,稱他們的無能導致了"明顯的欺詐行為"。



加密貨幣專業術語 解釋
Kraken Kraken 是一家加密貨幣交易平臺,是 Jesse Powell 創立的公司。
FTX FTX 是一家加密貨幣交易平臺,由 SBF(Sam Bankman-Fried)創辦。
風險投資公司 風險投資公司是投資新興創業企業或創新專案的機構,提供資金與資源來幫助這些企業發展。
盡職調查 盡職調查是指投資者對一個企業或專案進行詳細的調查、分析和研究,以確保投資專案具有可行性和風險可控性。
欺詐行為 欺詐行為是指以欺騙或不誠實的手段獲取他人財物或資源的行為。
個性 個性是指個人的行為模式、特點和特質,可以影響其商業決策和行為方式。
Alameda Alameda 是一家加密貨幣交易公司,與 FTX 有關聯。
企業整體運營 企業整體運營是指企業所有部門和活動的整體管理和運作,以實現公司的目標和利益。


這則新聞對於區塊鏈市場偏多的訊息,因為Kraken創始人Jesse Powell指責投資FTX的風險投資公司沒有做盡職調查,導致了明顯的欺詐行為。這表示目前市場上有一些風險投資公司對於投資區塊鏈專案的監管不足,容易讓欺詐行為發生。這種情況可能會讓投資者感到有風險存在,對區塊鏈市場產生疑慮和壓力。因此,根據這則新聞的內容,我們可以認為區塊鏈市場目前是偏多的。


Did Sam Bankman-Fried Tell The Truth About FTX?


@CryptosRUs: 🔒

@anitawalters5672: Our SEC needs to go after SBF hard, get him brought home and stand trial. The whole crypto community needs to put pressure on our government to do this.

@CaptainRon1913: Bitboy had a video interview with a Bahamian official. He said FTX and Alameda were furiously buying real estate just prior to FTX implosion under various company names. He also said, SBF donated a lot of money to Bahamian officials, and possibly to the Prime Minister's campaign.

@boomvangmusic: As someone who's worked in tech and startups in the past, I'm going for a hard no with believing SBF. He's probably telling the truth that he wasn't paying attention but he almost certainly made decisions he knew were ethically dubious. That's been my experience with the heads of tech companies.

@larryo6874: I have watched a lot of these SBF interviews. His explanation is that he wasn’t paying attention to what was going on at FTX and Alameda Research and then realized to late that his companies were bankrupt. As CEO he SHOULD have known what was going on. He could have hired a competent CFO to monitor his companies finances. SBF was a graduate from MIT and had worked for a well run financial firm before FTX so I am very sceptical that he didn’t know what was going on. Just as Elizabeth Holmes of Theranos had a trial and will be in prison for bilking investors I hope the same fate awaits SBF.

@elmerposada7442: He knew perfectly what they were doing. He knew perfectly how to launder millions of dollars

@kryptophix6302: Surely the fact that the FTX code enabled Alameda to trade without an auto-liquidation mechanic implicates SBF and serves as evidence that he knew what was happening and was engaged in criminal activity. Lets see how he can wriggle out of that question when someone has the balls to ask him. To quote the bard, ‘look like the flower, but be the serpent under it’.


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