Alameda Research前執行席Caroline Ellison為SBF案件提供證詞

【前Alameda Research執行長首次公開露面,為SBF案件作證】10月10日訊息,據彭博社報道,自Alameda和FTX一年前破產以來,前Alameda Research執行長Caroline Ellison首次公開露面,在Sam Bankman-Fried的審判前抵達法庭作證。檢察官表示,她是Bankman-Fried內部圈子中少數幾個知道據稱從FTX客戶資金中挪用數十億美元到姐妹交易公司背後真相的人之一。
Alameda Research前執行席Caroline Ellison為SBF案件提供證詞



  1. Alameda Research: Alameda Research is a quantitative cryptocurrency trading firm founded by Sam Bankman-Fried in 2017. It specializes in algorithmic trading and market making in the cryptocurrency market.
  2. SBF: SBF refers to Sam Bankman-Fried, the founder and CEO of FTX, a cryptocurrency exchange.
  3. FTX: FTX is a cryptocurrency exchange that offers trading for various cryptocurrencies and derivatives.
  4. Caroline Ellison: Caroline Ellison is the former CEO of Alameda Research, and she was involved in the alleged embezzlement of billions of dollars from FTX customer funds to sister trading companies.
  5. Embezzlement: Embezzlement refers to the act of misappropriating funds entrusted to one's care, typically for personal gain.
  6. Cryptocurrency: Cryptocurrency is a digital or virtual form of currency that uses cryptography for secure financial transactions, control the creation of additional units, and verify the transfer of assets.
  7. Quantitative Trading: Quantitative trading refers to the use of mathematical and statistical models to make trading decisions and execute trades.
  8. Market Making: Market making is a trading strategy that involves providing liquidity to the market by placing buy and sell orders for a particular asset.



根據這篇新聞,Caroline Ellison作為SBF案件的證人,揭示了從FTX客戶資金中挪用數十億美元的內幕。這個訊息對於區塊鏈市場來說是一個負面訊息,暗示著存在著在交易所內部擅自使用客戶資金的行為。這種行為可能會打擊投資者對區塊鏈市場的信心,並對市場產生負面影響。因此,對於區塊鏈市場來說,這個訊息是偏空的。



馬斯克公佈的Twitter推特祕密檔案公開 part 1


@zhong1820: Derek 把臺灣現在的處境講的太正確了

@user-fj1rq3rm6k: 感謝整合這麼多諮詢,非常辛苦,但是有幾個問題我嘗試從另一個角度來解答一下

@ahao1985: 謝謝D大的整理說明!

@Edward-zv5bb: Derek 請問,目前使用Ledger冷錢包質押ADA,但之後購買的ADA再轉進Ledger內的話,新增進去的ADA也會一併被質押嗎?還是我要另外再做質押動作?

@puppyzen1: 中國一大堆人想要移民,但是錢很難出境,現在很多人考慮把錢變成加密貨幣帶走,太混亂的政策了

@2yuan: 熊市多去了解一些優質專案的開發,去尋找優質專案,多注意重要新聞更加重要。 要感謝D分享其他地方看不到的新聞給大家

@user-is3ie9hn6n: Derek哥請問一下~股票大多是因為實體企業經營有實體收入、有產值而投資者投資賦予了價值

Alameda Research前執行席Caroline Ellison為SBF案件提供證詞

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