根據報道,從2024年開始,在蘇富比拍賣行購買藝術品的買家將獲得限量版Ledger x蘇富比 Nano X硬體錢包。此次合作還將很快推出Ledger Stax特別版錢包。
Cryptocurrency Terminology
- Encryption: The process of converting data into a code, usually to secure it from unauthorized access.
- Wallet: A digital storage for cryptocurrencies that allows users to securely store, manage, and transfer their digital assets.
- Hardware Wallet: A physical device designed to securely store private keys offline, making it less vulnerable to hacking or cyber-attacks.
- Ledger: A popular hardware wallet manufacturer that provides users with secure storage for their cryptocurrencies.
- Nonce: In blockchain technology, a randomly generated number that is used as part of the process to solve a mathematical problem and create a new block.
- Blockchain: A decentralized and distributed digital ledger that records transactions across multiple computers, providing transparency, security, and immutability.
- Cryptocurrency: A digital or virtual currency that uses cryptography for secure financial transactions, control the creation of additional units, and verify the transfer of assets.
- Buyer: An individual or entity who purchases a product or service, in this case, a cryptocurrency collector who buys digital artwork from an auction.
- Limited Edition: A unique version or a restricted number of an item, in this context, a limited supply of Ledger x Sotheby's Nano X hardware wallets.
- Stax Special Edition: A variant or exclusive version of Ledger's hardware wallet, created in collaboration with Sotheby's for the cryptocurrency art collectors.
這則新聞中提到加密錢包供應商Ledger與藝術品拍賣行蘇富比合作,為數字藝術品收藏家提供獨家優惠。合作的一部分是蘇富比拍賣行在2024年開始,將向購買藝術品的買家提供限量版的Ledger x蘇富比Nano X硬體錢包。此外,合作還將推出Ledger Stax特別版錢包。
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