Coinbase Singapore獲得新加坡金管局主要支付機構牌照

Coinbase Singapore最近獲得新加坡金融管理局頒發的主要支付機構(MPI)牌照。根據Coinbase的宣告,他們將開發並推出專為新加坡市場量身定製的產品。同時,他們還計劃在新加坡技術中心進行培訓和招聘。

Coinbase Singapore獲得新加坡金管局主要支付機構牌照


  • Coinbase: Coinbase is a cryptocurrency exchange platform.
  • Singapore: Singapore is a country located in Southeast Asia.
  • Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS): The Monetary Authority of Singapore is Singapore's central bank and financial regulatory authority.
  • Payment Institution License: A payment institution license is a license granted by a regulatory authority to a company or organization to legally operate as a payment service provider.
  • Customized Products: Customized products are products that are tailored or specifically designed to meet the unique needs or preferences of a particular group or market.
  • Training and Recruitment Programs: Training and recruitment programs refer to the initiatives and activities aimed at providing training and hiring individuals for specific roles or positions within an organization.
  • Cryptocurrency: Cryptocurrency is a digital or virtual form of currency that uses cryptography for secure financial transactions, control the creation of additional units, and verify the transfer of assets.


此新聞對區塊鏈市場偏多的訊息。因為Coinbase Singapore獲得了新加坡金管局頒發的主要支付機構牌照,這意味著他們在新加坡市場上獲得了法律上的認可和合法地位。而且,他們還計劃開發專為新加坡量身定製的產品,這表明他們將進一步滿足新加坡市場的需求。此外,他們還計劃在新加坡技術中心進行培訓與招聘計劃,這顯示他們對於在新加坡市場進一步擴充套件業務的信心和投入。總體而言,這些訊息都顯示了Coinbase對於區塊鏈市場的積極態度和未來的發展潛力。



Coinbase股票半年翻三倍一個月翻一倍 低位佈局的重要性


@user-cs5xo2wj8e: 謝謝D大,木頭姐真的是最好的投資標杆,不論怎樣都堅持自己的看法。非常不簡單

@pudding_wild: 現在ADA也在相對低點

@user-jz1it8bu2z: 目光放遠各位一起加油

@ahao1985: 謝謝D大的整理分享!

@zhongyou523: 早安,記得之前D大有部影片好像是在說明 乙太defi雖然是最多人用的的但整體使用率還是很低 所以ADA之後還是很有機會會超過乙太,這樣敘述有點籠統不知道有沒有人知道我在說哪部XD可以給個關鍵字,想回去再研究那部影片的內容

@vz.eth0123: 跟著Derek哥的頻道這麼久,買在無人問津時,已經成為習慣

@user-yz1nl2gd3b: 謝謝D大的影片

Coinbase Singapore獲得新加坡金管局主要支付機構牌照

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